What Factors Provide Tending Startups


Observing the Internet, it’s easy to fall into the delusion that all the niches are overcrowded, and there is not a blank space on the map for digital business. Tens of popular messengers, thousands of fitness apps, millions of online stores… An entrepreneur can feel frustrated when faced with the necessity to find his own blue ocean. But the idea that all the domains are busy, and no one can achieve the results that were demonstrated by the most thriving products is superficial.

But you don’t need to build a second Facebook or WhatsApp. The truth is every time epoch offers the market conditions in which you can find an outstanding startup if you’re able to catch a rising trend.

If we dig into reports and analytics, we’ll discover how many promising digital solutions in various domains show the first seeds. Starting early, they have better chances to get leading positions in the niche. The Purrweb team conducted a scaled study in order to select trending startups for motivating you to search for a unique idea.

Examine the examples of enterprises in miscellaneous domains in which investors believe, and try to take something useful for your own project to add it to the list of trending startups. 

What’s essential for a startup to attract visitors and investors?

An unconventional idea for a digital entrepreneur is like a seed for a gardener. To grow an amazing harvest, you use up-to-date inventions of plant breeding. To plant an impressive business, you need an innovative idea and fresh approach to problem-solving.

But if the gardeners don’t have appropriate tools and knowledge, and they aren’t experienced in taking care of these types of plants, the harvest can stay just in the picture printed on the seeds. Improper soil, illnesses, insects – and the seedlings are lost 

There’s a similarity with growing digital products: without relevant experience and deep expertise in the field your team can hardly manage the task to bring an idea to life even if you have found “the seeds” for trending startups.

And the third factor which facilitates your project to take off is timely entering the market. As you feel the time window for success isn’t eternal: what was fancy yesterday, today looks old fashioned. So, don’t put out your innovations for trending startups into the chest of drawers called “oblivion”. 

Which ideas for startups seem to be outdated

Founded in the sunrise of the trend, some products are dominating certain niches. As they have strong positions in the market, it feels like a crazy idea to compete with them. 

Social media, messengers, gaming apps…

To outrun trending startups you need two things: to attract Creasus as an investor or to add something genius to an idea that no one has ever done. For example, when Facebook started in the epoch of the anonymous internet, the idea to search for real acquaintances felt innovative. To dethrone the most popular from the pedestal seems an unaffordable task: lucky time is lost. 

However, if you know how to add a fresh and unique spin to an old idea, you can try to launch trending startups in practice-tested industries. 

Where to find ideas for trending startups 

By reading analytics and reports designed by specialized agencies you can catch an idea for trending startups in 2022/2023. Brainstorming sessions with your colleagues and on social media and specific platforms can be helpful.

Observing specific literature for entrepreneurs can be a thought-provoking approach. Following the news from small and large business accelerators definitely sheds light on what’s going on in the industry. And just being very attentive to people’s new needs serves as the source of insights and new perspectives for potential trending startups owners. 

The researchers predict that three trends backed by the pandemic, political and economic turbulence will dominate the market in the near decade. Accordingly to their vision, people will value:

  • personalized services and truly individual approach;
  • remote mode for solving various tasks;
  • automation of all the procedures where human creativity isn’t obligatory. 

Experts suppose these features will determine hatching trending startups in the nearest future.

Let’s consider which directions of thought can be assessed as promising. 

  • E-commerce apps

Every fourth purchase was performed online last year, says statistics. Obviously, this share will be increasing further. If you have a bright idea on how to turn online shopping into a more fast, safe and delightful process, you can join the game. 

For example, the large services have concentrated their presence in the major cities, while small cities and countries stayed a room of opportunities. What about a delivery business that covers even remote districts?

Another problem e-commerce faces is a plethora of faked goods. And here’s a space for trending startups. The app in blockchain that doesn’t allow changes in data can become a possible solution to track all the lifecycle of the deliverables. 

The services that offer personalized solutions have proven their viability. Today people can order clothes and accessories with their favourite prints. But what about other areas?

  • Educational apps

 An impressive $5.6 trillion is revenue of the world education industry, and obviously, this is a domain where changes are inescapable. Today you can find online course aggregators, marketplaces for tutors and specific services for online teaching. But the space for creativity and growing trending startups is almost endless. Here we name several trends in the field:

  • Gamification of education. Can your app connect the learning process with entertainment?
  • AR/VR. Unimaginable tools that are able to immerse students in the educational environment and demonstrate the recreated historical reality or complex processes in chemistry, physics, astronomy etc.
  • Community-based education. Help people to search for mentors and study buddies on specific platforms.
  • Financial apps

Save, keep and invest money in a safe, convenient and legal way is what people are looking for in the industry. Do you know how to avoid cyber attacks or how to give hints to people for reasonable financial decisions?

You can think globally and try to invent a universal tool for comfortable juggling fiat money and digital assets. Another way is to focus on a certain problem. For example, you can launch a platform where local businesses can search for investment, and where people can support producers they like. 

  • Video streaming apps

The popularity of YouTube, TikTok and other video streaming platforms has shown people appreciate this type of entertainment. If you know how to equip the users with tools in order to help them become “TV stars”, you’re at risk to organize trending startups.

Try to think about adjacent areas: what if you connect video streaming service with the educational platform? How can users benefit if they join video streaming with online shopping? Cute ideas can be born when you find something valuable on the border of two industries. TikTok became popular due to the connection between video streaming and social media platforms. 

To sum up

To make disruption in the market, you require a cute and timely implemented idea. Imagine what will happen if you find an algorithm to help people, for example, with flawless accuracy to solve problems with career guidance? The app will gain lots of recommendations and will be asked for scaling.

It’s not easy to find a perspective and profitable one. It’s often a way to try and learn. If you aren’t afraid of failing, cope with it and continue your searches for success, it’s definitely worth attempting.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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