Useful Information on How to Obtain a US Entry Waiver

The US Entry Waiver is the most common way for people with past criminal records to enter into the US. However, in some circumstances where you cannot obtain the documents to submit along with the US Entry Waiver, the only solution is to get a Canadian pardon.

If you want to get a Canadian pardon, you must make sure that all the criminal records documents have been destroyed. If you have never been denied entry into the US before, getting a Canadian pardon will ensure that your journey into the US is smooth.

However, if you have been previously denied entrance, you won’t be able to use a Canadian pardon to enter into the US. There is a record in the US computer system about your deny of entrance into the USA. In this situation, only a US Waiver can get you entrance into the USA.

There are several criteria that you have to meet before you can be eligible to obtain a pardon.  This means that you must have finished serving your jail sentence and paid for the fine.

You can apply for a pardon if you have been withdrawn, dismissed or discharged many years ago. This is because it is most likely that the documents on file have already been destroyed.

There are a few circumstances where the applicant can be ineligible for the pardon for example sexual conviction. You should begin the pardon application process in advance of the date when you will be eligible to obtain a pardon. Get more details at

The Parole Board of Canada is the board responsible for granting the pardons. You can submit the pardon application yourself if you prefer not to hire a third party agency. The record suspension application can be downloaded from the National Pardon site.

If you want to hire a third party agency to help you in the application process, you must make sure that it is an RCMP accredited agency that has been established for at least a decade. Prior to hiring a third party agency, you should call their telephone number to have a consultation with a pardon and waiver specialist. Another option is to hire a lawyer but hiring a lawyer can be expensive. It takes up to 2 years for the pardon application to be completed.

Obtaining a pardon is not necessarily for those who want to enter into the US. You can also get a pardon if you want to wipe out the negative criminal record of the past so that you have better chances of getting employed or promoted to a higher position in your career.

You may be turned down for a job if your employer finds that you are too expensive to be bonded. Getting a pardon makes it easier for you to immigrate into another country. Other reasons for obtaining a pardon include increased the chance of winning a child custody, renting an apartment, and successful entry into an educational program.

By getting a pardon, you will have a peace of mind about how your past criminal record can affect your life. It removes the shame that you have because of the criminal you committed in the past.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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