3 Must-Have iPad Apps for Finance Pros

iPad Apps

Finance is a fast-paced industry. If you are not constantly engaged with market news, you may miss a great investment opportunity for your clients. Gone are the days where finance professionals sit in their offices to monitor the markets. With smartphone and tablets, finance professionals can get their finance news anytime and anywhere. When you want to track the markets, trade on the go and get the financial news you need, check out these must-have iPad apps for financial professionals.

3 Must-Have iPad Apps for Finance Pros

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Bloomberg Anywhere
Bloomberg is a top source of finance and business news. Financial experts use the stock information and world market data to help keep track of hot investments and what merging trends their clients may be interested in. This free iPad app condenses all of the news that Bloomberg’s website offers into a quick, handheld format. If you are looking at a few specific companies or stock options, you can customize the data you are most interested in. The app is also available for the iPhone, Blackberry and Android platforms.

The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal is a pillar of American financial news as well as news from around the world. With the free iPad app the company offers you can get all of the best stories they offer both in print and online. Non-subscribers to WSJ.com will have limited access to a select number of articles. Every morning, subscribers get the published version plus news updates throughout the day with the ‘Now’ edition. You will also have access to exclusive content if you are a subscriber and the ability to look through seven day archive, even when you are offline on your device. If you want even more news delivered to you daily, The Wall Street Journal also has the WSJ Live app that provides on demand original programming from more than 2000 reporters from around the world.

E*TRADE Mobile Pro
E*TRADE is an important online trading platform that many people use. Those who are in the field of finance find it one of the quickest ways to trade on the go. Trade, analyze and track the markets in real time with this app. The app is free to install on the iPad and other devices. After it is installed, you can also get free trades for the first 60 days when you use the app to make your trades. Other features of the app include mobile check deposit, stock comparison charts and CNBC video on demand when you need current news and analysis.

These apps were chosen to be some of the top financial apps available both in the number of downloads from the app store as well as the opinions of financial professionals. It doesn’t matter if you are a hardcore trader or you simply need to know the day’s finance news for your next business meeting. These iPad apps will help you stay informed and give you the tools you need to make sound financial decisions on a daily basis.

Chris Routier is a financial advisor and guest author at Masters in Finance, where he contributed to the comprehensive Masters in Finance Degree Guide.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Chris Routier and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of cyberockk.com, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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