5 Awesome Tech Gadgets Every Teacher Should Own


Teachers now have the ability to truly engage children through the use of amazing tech gadgets. Whether it’s an interactive whiteboard or even a MP3 player, teachers can reach out to children even if they aren’t in the classroom. The following are just five awesome tech gadgets every teacher should own.

Interactive Whiteboard
Chalkboards and dry erase boards are a thing of the past. Teachers cannot afford to be without an interactive whiteboard. The board makes it possible for teachers and students to interact with a touchscreen board, which allows them to play games, watch movies, and more. This makes learning more fun and also allows teachers to easily share and highlight important information. This is a gadget that is useable with K-12 grade students.

A tablet is an essential tech gadget for teachers for a number of reasons. Not only do tablets have great apps, such as grade book apps, you can also use your tablet in addition to other tech gadgets to share with your students. For example, teachers who own the Kindle Fire could share books with students by using a document camera.

Document Camera
A document camera is the much cooler version of the overhead projector. Not only is this tech gadget technologically cooler, but it’s also cooler to the touch. You won’t have to worry about melting your tablet with this gadget. A document camera is hooked up to your project and allows you to easily share material with the entire class, whether it be maps or Kindle books.

A clicker is similar to a TV remote and is pointed at a receiver that has been hooked to your computer and uses software to record a child’s response. These systems can be used to have an interactive lesson, to allow children to take tests, or even to play educational games.

MP3 Player
Most MP3 players contain a voice recorder that make it easy to record your lesson plans. You can then post the lesson plans to your Facebook fan page and students that were absent that day can go over the material from home. You can also use your recorded lesson plans to make it easier for a substitute teacher to handle that day’s lessons.

There are so many great tech gadgets for teachers to use to improve the learning experience. Whether you install an interactive whiteboard or use a document camera to share Kindle books with the class, these gadgets can make learning fun. Best of all, any teacher can benefit from these gadgets no matter what grade you teach.

About the Author: Nenita Surina is a teacher and New York tutor. She loves incorporating technology into her lessons, encouraging children to learn and have fun at the same time.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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