How to Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection in Windows

Troubleshooting your broadband Internet connection isn’t necessarily as difficult as you might think, but it is very time consuming. The issue is that home Internet networks are made up of both software and hardware. Each element can potentially develop a problem which will then cause every other element to stop functioning properly. By keeping a clear head and looking at a few common issues, you can troubleshoot your broadband Internet connection in the Windows operating system and have the whole network up and running again in no-time at all.

Begin the troubleshooting process by calling your Internet service provider to make sure that the problem is actually with your equipment and not with the provider. Bad weather, car accidents and even hardware failure can affect an entire area’s Internet service. As a result, there is nothing that you can personal do to fix these types of issues. Putting a call in to the Internet service provider will help prevent you from wasting your time on a problem that you can’t actually fix.

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Update the firmware on any network equipment in your home. Firmware is software that runs devices like modems and routers. If your firmware is out of date and you’ve just updated your computer to a new version of the Windows operating system, for example, your older hardware may have a difficult time communicating with your newer software. Go to your router and modem manufacturer’s websites and download any updates that have become available in recent weeks.

Make sure that all of your network equipment is connected properly. If you have a wired broadband Internet network, Ethernet cables need to connect each piece of network equipment to either a computer or another piece of equipment. An Ethernet cable needs to connect your modem to your router, for example, while separate Ethernet cables need to connect each computer to that router. If your Ethernet cables have become unplugged or damaged, your broadband Internet connection can cease to function.

Make sure that any wireless router you may own is set up in an area of your home where its signal isn’t being blocked. If you set up your wireless router in a basement, for example, certain computers on a higher level of the home may have trouble picking up the signal. Likewise, putting your wireless router on one side of a large house may make it difficult for devices on the other side to pick up the wireless broadband signal. For the best results, place your broadband wireless router in a central location for the strongest signal possible.

Sam Jones, the author, has a great aol broadband package but has had a few connectivity problems recently.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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