Is It Time To Jump On The 3D TV Bandwagon

After the success of several 3D films, 3D technology has resurrected and emerged as a hot topic again. Now, just about every TV company is making moves to entice consumers to buy its product, but one question remains unanswered: Is a 3D TV a wise investment? This question is easy to answer if you believe the bold predictions that many CEOs have made, but if you take the realities of 3D TV into consideration, this question is a toughie.

3D Discs Available
Today, there are probably 180 3D discs available, ranging from documentaries to music albums and Hollywood movies. More 2D titles are about to make the leap to 3D format, but they most likely will not be available until the middle or end of 2013. Do you think you can wait that long?

The Cost Of 3D TVs
The cost of 3D TVs differs with each brand, model and size. The expensive 3D TVs come with an active 3D panel, a higher resolution and more features than their cheaper counterparts, which come with a lower resolution and a passive 3D panel.

3D Glasses
Most passive and active 3D TVs come with at least two pairs of 3D glasses. Extra glasses are rather costly, depending on their make and brand. Active glasses, for now, cost somewhere between 29 dollars and 100 dollars, and passive glasses cost less than 20 dollars. Most interesting to note, some of the expensive models for both types, active and passive, feature premium designs and can be recharged.

Picture Quality

Most 3D TVs now have improved 3D visuals and can handle and deliver more depths than their predecessors. However, when it comes to the shortcomings of 3D TVs, they have little impact on picture quality. It is all about where you are positioned when viewing the 3D TV. The farther you are, the better the picture quality will most likely be.

Viewing Comfort
Thanks to all the latest advancements and changes, high-speed lenses are now more comfortable to wear for any duration. Furthermore, 3D TVs are easier and more pleasant to watch as the majority of 3D glasses are capable of producing flicker-free images. Aside from reducing eye fatigue, passive 3D glasses can be tolerated better than active 3D glasses because they are much lighter, weighing only about 13 to 15 grams.


The latest 3D TV models offer breathtaking visuals and can definitely enhance your home-theater experience. However, the fact of the matter is that a high premium comes with 3D TVs. The price difference between 3D TVs and basic HDTVs is quite noticeable. Also, until more 3D broadcasts become available, 3D content will continue to be limited, so it does not matter if the 3D TV is expensive or not. Chances are you will spend most of your time watching 2D programs, not 3D content.

Nevertheless, if you take pleasure in watching high-definition videos and want to push your viewing experience to its limits, then you should hop on the 3D TV bandwagon.

The name is Michael Jones, and I am a visionary in the electronic realm. My aim is to provide information about electronics–including LED TV models, laptops and so forth.

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Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Michael Jones and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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