Nokia Lumia 920 – A Top 5 Phone with Windows

Nokia Lumia 920
The Lumia range of phones is fast becoming one of the biggest sellers on the smartphone market and the Nokia Lumia 920 is no different.  With some great advantages it should be at the top of anyone’s list of must-have phones but there are a couple of negative points that you will need to take into consideration before you buy.

One of the downsides to the phone is that it is an expensive handset.  However, it is just one of many handsets which are a little on the pricey side so Nokia is not the only company that is guilty of this.  As a Windows Phone 8 operating system is used it is limited on the number of apps that can be added, but unless you are the sort of person that organizes their entire life with the help of phone apps then you will probably find this point easy to live with.

The design of the phone has a curved back and it has been created from just one piece of polycarbonate.  This is a great looking phone and the elegant style is sure to impress the experienced smartphone user.

If you want your phone to create a splash you can always opt for the yellow version.  The phone fits neatly into the hand but it is larger than the Lumia 800.  There is a little more weight to this handset than there is to others in the Lumia group and similar handsets from other manufacturers.

Using the Phone
The screen on the handset measures 4.5 inches, which is a good size for those who want to browse the web or watch films.  It boasts a higher pixel density than the iPhone 5 which means that images are clear and sharp and it also manages to keep colours natural and bright.  The viewing angles are good and if you are looking at the screen in sunlight you should not have any problems.
Some of the apps on the phone will update automatically and you are able to customise the handset to show the apps that you need the most.   There are some Live Apps such as Facebook which show status updates immediately.  It is expected that the number of live apps available will increase now that third party developers are able to create what they want.

The camera on the Lumia 920 has 8.7 megapixels and has been blessed with PureView technology.  Top of the range lenses ensures that the camera is able to take photos of excellent quality.  To take a photo you can use the shutter button or simply tap the screen.  Focus is adjustable and there are various functions on the camera which allow you to adjust the settings.

Power and Memory
The internal memory on the handset is 32GB but you do not get the option to expand with a microSD card.  However, you can make use of 7GB of free Cloud Storage.  You can send photos here and then move them to a computer, ensuring that you have maximum storage at all times.   Battery life is similar to other smartphones in that heavy users will be lucky to get a day’s use out of the phone; a moderate user will get a day out of it.

This is an impressive handset and those who want a smartphone with all the extras would do well to consider this member of the Nokia family.    

Phil Turner has been studying smartphone deals for a while now and is about ready to buy.

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Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Phil Turner and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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