How Important Is Reliable Email Delivery To Your Business?


Reliable Email Delivery

Email has become ubiquitous for many businesses, whether they operate primarily online or in brick and mortar space. Conversations in-house, with vendors, customers, and those seeking information are often conducted primarily through email, which makes a reliable email delivery system for businesses a must. Even one missed email that was sent, but never delivered, can create unnecessary problems and angst. It’s important to remember that undelivered emails can leave customers frustrated, distrustful and ready to take their business somewhere else.

How Often Do Emails Go Undelivered?

It’s surprising to some to learn that around 20% of real, non-spam emails never reach their destinations. They are simply lost somewhere along the line, and neither the intended recipient nor the sender is even aware of it. Most STMP emails do not have any sort of tracking system for sent emails, and most casual users don’t see a need to install one anyway. Business professionals, however, should take that extra step to ensure email delivery. The process does not have to be arduous as there are professional companies, including cloud-based STMP email systems, that guarantee email delivery tracking.

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In-House, ISP or Cloud-Based?

Business owners sometimes opt to keep their SMTP email delivery system in-house, feeling that this offers them more control. This is not always the case, particularly if there are vulnerabilities in the server system, or if they veer from periods of light email use to heavy use. The same problems often apply to ISP-based email systems that are on a fixed server. Cloud-based email delivery systems often offer better security and better email delivery tracking, but their real advantage comes from their scalability. Because the system is in the cloud, and not in one physical location, it’s a breeze to go from sending a couple of emails one day, to sending millions the next. There is no overloading of power or system resources because of the structure of cloud computing itself.

Badly Routed or Spoof Emails Can Ruin Reputations

Email delivery tracking and other email tracking and analytics does not just involve keeping an eye on what is sent and what is received by a particular business. At its core it should also involve keeping track of email addresses that have been spoofed — in other words, used by unauthorized persons. Some businesses have been shocked to find that they are considered spammers — the deed was not theirs, but by the time they found out about it, it was too late. Good, efficient email tracking systems have email spoofing on their radar and can put a stop to it before it begins.
Companies of any size need to give careful consideration to their email programs and determine which SMTP email services offer the best value for their money. Safety, security and guaranteed email delivery and email delivery tracking should be the minimum that they settle for, especially with the technology advancing so quickly. Not all SMTP email programs or servers are created alike, so due diligence is needed to decide which is right for a particular business.

Anne Harvester is familiar with information regarding reliable email delivery, such as cloud based servers and ISPs. Anne searches online for email delivery to receive tips and further information on reliable email servers.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Anne Harvester and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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