Sony has a good name for audio visual equipment but does this extend to the smartphone? As with all handsets there are things about it that you may not like, but there is also plenty to be impressed with. The phone has a very stylish feel to it and also brings with it a great price tag, far lower than most smartphones in its class. The handset is slimmer than some of the others in the Sony range and it is available in several color options.
The screen is small for a smartphone at 3.5 inches (the same as all iPhone’s except the iPhone 5) and all the ports can be found hiding under flaps to protect them from the elements. The micro SD slot can be found under the back cover. The whole design is strong and so far, the reviewers are loving it. The resolution on the screen is not that great but more than enough for the average user. The toughened glass means that it can withstand a serious amount of wear and tear, so this might be a good option for a teenager.
Using the Phone
The user interface is Android, although not the latest version. There are plans for this to be upgraded and at the moment it is helped along by the user interface. There are plenty of home screens that can be customized and you get shortcuts at the bottom of the screen to help you to move quickly to your favorite apps. Two keyboard options and plenty of fitness related apps are included in the handset too. The only issue with the screen is the small size. It is not ideal for web browsing but it is perfectly adequate for those who want to check the odd email.
The camera on the handset is a perfectly adequate 5 megapixels and the photo quality is great when compared to similar handsets although experienced smartphone users might expect a little more. There is a built-in flash which helps in poor light but some users may find themselves taking a few shots at a time to get the right one. Video is also included and some reviewers find that this is much better than the photo experience.
Power and Memory
The Sony Music Player included is perfect for those who want to listen to their favorite tunes as they go. There is a reasonable amount of user memory although a microSD card can expand this a great deal. Connect on the go with the help of Wi-Fi, 3G and GPS, among other things.
Speed on this handset is not great although some gamers will find that it is fine. The handset does not have the best battery life but most users will average a day’s use out of it so it is not really any different to any other smartphones so as long as you are prepared to charge it regularly you should not have too many problems.
The main advantage to this phone is that it is designed to last, so those who are active and head out on adventure weekends and suchlike can rest easy knowing that their phone will survive. Just don’t forget to take the charger too!
Phil Turner uses the Internet to compare mobile phones and is leaning towards a phablet for usability and features.
Image Source: gsmarena

This article is contributed by Phil Turner and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,