ViacamPlus: The Revolutionary IPhone 5 Camera Case

Revolutionary IPhone 5 Camera Case
Ever wanted to record your extreme outdoor experience? I’m talking to all you skateboarders, skiers, snowboarders, mountain & BMX bikers, water skiers, surfers or auto racers out there. Most attachable camera devices are anywhere from two-hundred to four-hundred dollars! However, the ViacamPlus transforms any iPhone 5 into a professional, waterproof camera and includes 3 types of lenses. It’s also compatible with all GoPro accessories and it will only cost ninety-nine dollars. Interested?I’ll tell you more. There are 3 lenses with a brand new rotating design which allows for wide-angle,
fisheye, and micro viewing with the ViacamPlus. The lenses provide a crystal clear 170-degree viewing angle, allowing you to capture high-quality photos and videos while being protected by an anodized aluminum bezel. It allows for complete functionality of your touch screen on dry land or underwater. It also endures being submerged underwater for recording up to depths of fifteen feet. And even though this is the thinnest and lightest camera case, it’s plenty durable. ViacamPlus is made from tough element-proof, high-impact ABS material that will protect your iPhone 5 from almost everything.

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The developers of this fun project, Lou Gu and Brent Duke tell us how they came up with the idea for the ViacamPlus. “Originally Lou had been using his GoPro camera for doing video. But then he realized that he didn’t like having such a small screen for viewing. It was frustrating because you don’t know if you have a really good video until you get home and look at it on your computer monitor. So then he found himself using his iPhone all of the time for video, and realized that it made sense to combine the functionality and durability of a GoPro with the larger screen of an iPhone.” I’m sure all of us extreme sports people have struggled with the same issues when recording our escapades. This new avenue could revolutionize the way we photograph or record first-person footage.

Did I mention you can pretty much use the ViacamPlus anywhere? It can be used on cars, and not just on the dashboard, anywhere angle you want. You can put it on the inside or outside of the windshield or back window, on the side windows, or even attach it to yourself for some driver point-of-view footage. Take it underwater, its waterproof body is protected by an extremely strong lock. Attach it to your chest, back or head for any angle you want to shoot from. Lou and Brent tell us, “It will allow people to take HD videos in places where they previously could not. This will allow anyone with an iPhone the freedom to record videos almost everywhere!” You can preview and edit your photos or videos immediately without a computer. The ViacamPlus and GoPro accessories make it possible to share your videos on YouTube or Facebook almost instantaneously from anywhere.

Lou and Brent share the thing that excites them the most about the ViacamPlus is, “we feel like we have filled a void in the marketplace with a product we both love. This is something we hope everyone else will want because it is something we want! This allows anyone with an iPhone to videotape like a pro. Without something like this, you are not just going to mount your iPhone while water skiing or riding a roller coaster. We can’t wait to do these things.” Right now they are working with to complete the final touches on this project. If they are successfully funded, they plan to launch the ViacamPlus to the general public this coming summer.

pert for ZAGG Inc, helping to providing the best internet marketing experience around the world. You can follow him on Goolge+.
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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