How To Socially Network At Music Events

How To Socially Network At Music Events
Social networking is the most recent buzzword when it comes to networking. An ideal place to try your social networking skills is at music events. When it comes to how to social network at music events, you should apply the following tips I will discuss briefly in this article.

Look the Part
In a music event, no one wants to hang out with you if you do not look the part. If no one is hanging out with you, you can forget social networking at the event. Wear some decent sporty clothing. Make it decent as you do not want anyone misinterpreting your intentions If you cannot do sporty clothing, wear some casual clothing. Add a dash of nice cologne to the lake.

Image credit Cheap photos

Carry a Smartphone
All social networking sites are now available on mobile. Access of social networking sites through mobile is on the increase. You have these facts in mind and you want to use them to your advantage. Of course, you do not want to find yourself saying that you cannot add a new network while you are at the music event because your phone does not support internet services. Avoid such embarrassments by keeping yourself ready to add new networks immediately to any of your social networking pages. Do not go overboard on spending your money on an expensive Smartphone.

Have Fancy Business Cards
Have business fancy cards with details of your social networking pages on it. Give these cards to any acquaintances that you meet. Remember to ask them follow you or add you to their social networking pages.

You increase your chances of this happening by knowing how to hand someone a business card. When you meet them, do not hand them the card immediately and then proceed to leave! Do this and you will find your cards on the floor. Have a conversation with the person for some minutes before giving out your card. This shows that you care to know who this person is.

Try Zinzz
While adding people to your pages on social networking is a good idea, there are new ways to social network. Zinzz chat place is the best new way to social networking. People love photos and people love being in photos with cool strangers. You are dressed right, so you are the cool stranger. You have that smartphone I told you to get, so you can easily take some high quality photos at the music event. Use this to your advantage and grow your social network fast. Thanks to Zinzz, you can create memories of a lifetime at the music event while still networking. Zinzz is ideal for a music event. Use it.

Apply these tips on how to socially network at music events and see your social network numbers grow. Anyone can do this, so why give it try it today?

Ludwing Hernandez is the owner of an seo company. He like write articles about SEO, Social Media and Social Networks. Follow him in Twitter @LudwingNY.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Ludwing and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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