Reasons To Buy The HTC Titan

If you are bored with android and iPhone just doesn’t do it for you any more, then it might be time to give a Windows phone a try. The HTC Titan comes with a Windows 7.5 Mango operating system, although there has been an update to Windows 7.8 very recently. The Windows operating system is very different to your old iPhone or the mobile phone kitted out with android OS you lost on a night out last month. At first glance, you might be a bit confused as to how the phone works, but the good news is that if you dig deeper, you will soon discover that the HTC Titan has plenty of great features to tempt users who are after a phone that stands out from the crowd.

Read More: Storing Memories On The HTC Radar

Size Matters

One of the most obvious features of the HTC Titan is its gargantuan size. Not for nothing was this mobile phone named after one of the fantastical creatures from Greek mythology – titanic it certainly is. The phone packs a real punch and is one of the largest mobile phones on the market. However, although its size is impressive, the phone is relatively lightweight and not too chunky. That said, if you like small and dainty handsets that fit into a teeny tiny bag, the HTC Titan may not appeal.

Massive Screen

The HTC Titan has a huge screen, which means it is a great mobile phone for anyone who likes watching movies on the hoof. The screen resolution is not as sharp as some other models of phone, notably the Samsungs, but it is good enough to keep movie buffs happy and you will love the bright, vivid colours on the display that really come into their own during quick trips across the internet.

Camera Phone

Most modern smartphones come with an in-built camera, so the question is not whether (or not) the HTC Titan has a camera, but rather how good that camera is. Well don’t worry because the camera on this phone is very good. The HTC Titan has an 8 Megapixel camera with a 28mm lens and f/2.2 aperture. The camera comes with face recognition software and a sensor to give you a helping hand when available light is in short supply. For those who just want to point and shoot, the auto feature is perfect, but if you have ambitions to create some photographic masterpieces, there are plenty of options in the camera menu.

Office Functionality and Cloud Storage

For those who want to use their smartphone for office related stuff, the HTC Titan comes well equipped for sharing office files from a multitude of locations. The phone has Office 365 installed, which lets users create and view files in Word and Excel format, plus view PowerPoint presentations. HTC Titan owners can also drop files into the Cloud, from where others can access them. So if you have prepared a document for your other half and they need it at work, drop it on to the SkyDrive and they will be able to access it from a linked device.

Rachel LeMonnier bought her new HTC Titan because it has all the features she wants from a mobile phone: it looks great, it has plenty of functionality, and it comes with a good camera so she can take regular snaps of her friends and family when they are out and about.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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