5 Things You Must Incorporate Into Your Internet Marketing Strategy

Some marketing methods form the fundamentals of your Internet marketing strategies. SEO (Search Engine Optimization), for example, is the bread and butter of Internet marketing. It is the basis of any successful Internet marketing strategy, and it typically brings in the largest amounts of traffic to a business’ website. Other Internet marketing efforts, like PPC (pay per click), Social Media, etc are other foundational pieces of Internet marketing.

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But what about any other online marketing strategies? Should I just focus 100% of my efforts on those “bread and butter” strategies, and then call it good? Is that all I should do? Or are there additional methods and strategies that I should be incorporating into my marketing efforts?
The answer is, of course there is. There are several additional things that you can and should be doing when it comes to Internet marketing. Just like SEO and some of the other strategies are the bread and butter of online marketing, these additional methods are the jam or honey. They may not bring the most substance, but they definitely leave you with a much better end result!

Here are 5 online advertising methods you should make sure to incorporate into your Internet marketing strategy:

1. Email Marketing

One great addition to your current Internet marketing campaigns is email marketing. With email marketing, you can build up an email list and then use that email list to generate sales. Once you have an email list built up, you can send different offers to that email list. The email list you have built up is generally a very targeted email list, so this can be a very valuable marketing strategy.
The trick to email marketing: Don’t overdo it. You don’t want to come off spammy; you want to be viewed as a useful source. Don’t send too many emails too often, and don’t let all of them be offers for them to purchase something.

2. External Content

Many people focus only on what changes they should make to their website to help increase their traffic. Or they think the only valuable traffic other than the search engines is social media traffic. But don’t underestimate the amount of traffic that one well written and well placed guest article can bring to your site. Write guest posts. Send out press releases. Use these external content sources to drive additional (and very qualified) traffic to your site.

The trick to external content: Make sure that you are writing content that is valuable to your potential audience. Again, don’t be spammy. Concentrate on being a resource, and you will be rewarded with traffic.

3. Mobile Marketing

If your website isn’t currently mobile-friendly, stop everything you’re doing and don’t rest until you have fixed that. Mobile traffic drives very large amounts of traffic to websites. If a visitor tries to go to your site from a mobile device and isn’t able to view your site properly, you have just wasted that visit. What a shame. On top of that, you can be missing out on traffic in the first place if your site isn’t mobile friendly.

Also, make sure that any marketing efforts you are doing also include mobile-ready ads, etc.
The trick to mobile marketing: Make sure your website can be viewed from mobile devices. And take advantage of the high amounts (and many times less expensive) of traffic that you can receive from including mobile ads in your other marketing strategies.

4. Contests

Contests are a great way to generate traffic to your site. People love to win things! If you don’t have large funds available for this, you can still take advantage of a smaller contest and the increased traffic and awareness it can bring to your site. But if you are really wanting to make a big push, try setting aside a larger portion of your marketing budget to do a contest with a great prize that will really bring in the traffic.

The trick to contests: Make your visitors actually do something for you in order to enter the contest. If you are spending a lot on the prize for a particular contest, make it worth your while. Make people like your page, share your contest, or enter their email address, etc etc to enter the contest. Make sure you are capitalizing on this contest as much as possible.

5. Lead Purchasing

Don’t overlook the option of purchasing leads. Many different companies can generate large amounts of leads, even very qualified leads, for you. This is yet another way to drive more traffic to your site, and/or bring in more sales.

The trick to lead purchasing: Depending on what your goals are, find a lead generation company that can give you the lead volume or lead quality that you are looking for.

Nicole is a writer for the Internet marketing industry. She recommends Aggregatur for a great lead generation company. You can find out more about them here.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Nicole and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of cyberockk.com, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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