8 Killer Tips That Will Surely Work To Increase Your Facebook Likes

Facebook allows you to create a fan page on which you can promote your brands and post news about upcoming events like promotions. However, one must have many likes for their page if this marketing strategy is going to be effective. Whenever a web user enters a search query related to your niche, Facebook displays results depending on how much your page is frequented. It follows that pages with a lot of likes are more visible than those with few likes.

How to Face Facebook’s New Phase
5 Quick Methods for Interacting on Facebook

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Below are some tips you could use to increase the likes on your page

1 Use a widget on your website
One of the popular ways people use to increase their Facebook likes is by using a widget on your website. For instance the like box shows a visitor how many likes you have on your Facebook fan page and can double up as a link which will new visitors to like it too. The Like box also comes with a live feed of your page which plays to influence visitors so that they continue liking your page.

2 Use incentives and contests
People have always been known to like free things. If you opened a contest where people compete to like your page, you would be surprised at how many would do so just to try their luck. Use a highly adored price which might be anything from a tablet computer to an expensive e-book depending on your niche and target audience. For instance, you can promise an Ipad to the visitor who will make your likes hit the 10,000 mark. However, your incentive should be realistic; it shouldn’t be too expensive if the proceeds you make from the online business are not worth.

3 Link your Facebook account with your twitter account
It is now possible to link your Facebook account with twitter so that you only need to update your status on one of the social media networking websites. The benefit of this strategy is that your followers on twitter will view your activity on Facebook and probably like your fan page. If you wish you can request them to do so by tweeting appropriately.

4 Invite the friends you have on your personal profile to like the business fan page
As an entrepreneur or internet marketer, it is expected that you have a lot of friends on Facebook and other social media accounts. It is easier to convince your personal friends into liking your new fan page so that they set the pace for new prospects. All you need to do is send invites to them requesting that they like your new business page. If they are loyal to you and possibly like the products related to your niche, they will certainly honor your request.

5 Buy the like ads from Facebook
Facebook can help you promote your page by running ads. In this technique Facebook shows who from your friends liked your page and makes suggestions for people to continue liking it. It’s beneficial since most of the times it goes viral and has been used by many marketers to promote their pages. Another benefit is that the ads can be customized so that they only reach people in certain regions selected by you.

6 Post the link to your fan page as a status update
If you post the link as a status update on your Facebook account people will get it in their news feed. A reputable will get more likes for their fan page by notifying those in his network.

7 Include a compelling welcome video
Everyone loves visual content and unsurprisingly, few would resist watching a video irrespective of its content. To get the attention of those who land on your Facebook fan page and ensure that they like it, include a short video which outlines some of your products, what you do and the reason why the visitor should like your page.

8 Get fans from your mailing list
If you have a long mailing list, you can write e-mail to all your loyal followers and beseech them to like your Facebook page. Of course you will have interesting news to catch their attention after which you ask them to like your page as a by the way.

It’s easy to get so many likes but if you want to make the best out of them, update your content regularly and engage these new prospects in conversations about your services or products.

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 Jason Smith

About the Author:

Jason Smith is an online manager for Highconcrete – one of the high precast concrete companies. He likes blogging about online strategies that are related to SEO, Content, PPC & Lead generation.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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