Spam’s In Terms Of Google

The word
spam is very common in the world of search engine. What does this
word exactly mean? Spam is an unethical technique implemented to
increase search engine ranking of website by violating the terms and
policies of search engines. Different search engines have their own
set of guidelines which need to be followed to rank better in search
engines. Google, Bing and Yahoo have their own set of guidelines. The
spammy techniques include clocking, links hiding, keywords stuffing,
link farming, thin content etc. Now Google is penalizing those sites
with different updates like Panda, Penguin and few more.

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in terms of Google
Web Spam
team of Google is trying to get spam free results in search engine
result pages for better user experience and for this type of results,
Google team have implemented Google Guidelines which webmasters need
to follow and create such websites which are user friendly. Below
mentioned is the list of Techniques which Google consider as Spam:
  • Keyword
    stuffing and Hidden text
  • Thin
  • User
    generated spam
  • Unnatural
    links to your site
sites have been penalized by Google for using spam techniques. Their
rankings have been dropped or that sites are might be not visible in
search engine result pages. Now the Google provides the live report
for the spam techniques which you have implemented and that too with
a live example. Below mentioned is the description of the above
mentioned spam techniques:
  • Keyword
    Stuffing and hidden text:
    Keyword stuffing is defined as using
    lots of keywords in their content with the hope that they will rank
    better in search engines. But this is totally wrong and is against
    the Google Guidelines. Hidden text is something in which the text
    color and the background color is same and text becomes invisible to
    the users. Now a day’s most of the webmasters make use of images
    to hide text behind their images. The text appears on the mouse
    click or on mouse over.
  • Thin
    Thin content means copying content from other reputed
    sites with the belief that it will have the same value in search
    engine result pages but actually it is a spam technique. You must
    create a unique content for your website for better ranking and for
    better user experience.
  • User
    generated spam:
    all spams are not generated by webmasters but
    there are spams which are generated by users. User generated spams
    on those sites which allow the users to create their own pages or
    content on their sites. If you receive a message user generated spam
    from Google, then it means that your website is good but some other
    users are generating spams on your website. These types of spams are
    commonly seen in the sites related to blogs or forum. User adds spam
    by giving blog comments or through many other ways.
  • Unnatural
    links to your sites:
    Recently many of the websites are affected
    by this spam. Google gives a message in your account as “Unnatural
    links to your site”. You will receive this message if you perform
    any of these activities in your link building campaign: buying
    links, getting links from irrelevant sites, excessive link exchange,
    and use of automated services for link building.
Check out
if you & your SEO Company are using any of the spam technique for
your website to rank well in search engine. If yes, then avoid using
these techniques to rank well.
Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Tommy Buer and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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