The Latest Mobile Apps to Lookout For


It is no doubt that the smartphone market has been transformed by the latest mobile phone applications. Trying to get the best and latest apps for your smartphone among the so many available can be quite challenging. The recent congress dubbed the “Mobile World” held in Barcelona showcased the advanced technology in mobile apps so if you are wondering what to download, here are some of the latest mobile applications to consider.

SEE ALSO: 7 Perfect Mobile Apps for Special Students


It is obvious that books are effective learning tools and entertainment sources. Nevertheless, reading them can be time consuming and tiresome. This is where Blinkist comes in to scale down books with huge volumes into small chapters referred to as Blinks. Therefore, extracting key details from any kind of books can be done within a couple of minutes. With this mobile app, you will be able to extract key points from your favourite book in minutes. Although Blinkist is still in the infancy stage, it is already working in Germany.

Swiftkey keyboard

Typing on your smartphone can be easy and fast if you add this virtual keyboard application known as Swiftkey. Its quick and easy to use feature pleased most of the participants at the congress, they gave it great reviews. The developers assure the users that it is bound to get even better. The Swiftkey developers are trying out a technology that will make it possible for smartphone users to type using their minds. Still at an infancy state, one if its developers has managed to carry out some primary functions using a gadget that is able to read the human brain.


This mobile app is the best ever for people with little kids. The hard work of reading bedtime stories every night will be taken over by the Mangoreader app. This fantastic app brings books and magazines to life as publishers can now add video, quizzes, discussions, animations and spoken words to publications. Mangoreader application is remarkable and will soon be a valuable leaning tool for kids.


This app is simple to use and perfectly designed as a purchase mechanism for most products that are not available on Amazon. This micro payment application will allow you to initiate a checkout process on your phone just by snapping up the QR code of the online product you want. Paddle app will make online purchases very convenient however the only challenge is ensuring it continues attracting vendors’ attention in the current congested market.


This app works as a calendar and adds context and information about meetings and appointments. It links up all your accounts in a calendar or list format besides displaying information of an upcoming event. A mobile phone user can now be part of virtual meetings and respond to conference calls by using the Tempo app. During meetings, it displays the attendees and members’ LinkedIn profiles for you to know those in attendance.

Cinemagraph in Nokia Lumia 520

This is a lens app that was unveiled on the newly released Nokia model-Lumia 520. The app facilitates the incorporation of movement in motionless images. To start with, take a small video using your mobile phone and remove video parts that you want immovable. The unselected parts will animate and thus you can export a GIF file and share it with your friends and contacts.

These are some of the latest mobile apps that will transform the mobile phone industry.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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