People are turning to media streaming more and more to watch countless TV shows and movies. Accounts like Netflix, Hulu Plus, Vudu, etc. are inexpensive and provide wide-access to virtually everything entertainment. In the past four years alone, media streaming grew by 44 percent, according to Experian Marketing Services. And right now, there are 7.6 million households who stopped their standard cable services and depend solely on online media streaming for their home entertainment needs.So as the media streaming trend only becomes increasingly popular, do you know which device is best for your home? Here’s a look at the top five media streaming devices:
1. Monsoon Multimedia Vulkano LAVA
Price: $199.99
The Monsoon Multimedia Vulkano LAVA is one of the best media streamers; however, it’s not that well-known. At nearly $200, it delivers a great experience that is definitely worth the bang for the buck. It transfers media content (on most cable, satellite, TiVo and DVR boxes) to other TVs and mobile devices. Users can receive, pause, fast forward and record live content with the LAVA’s electric program guide (EPG)—regardless of their location. Additional specs include an internal 4GB memory card and Wi-Fi Internet connection. Monsoon also has a list of other models to fulfill other media streaming needs.
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2. Amazon Fire TV
Price: $99
Amazon recently released the Amazon Fire TV and so far, it’s getting nothing but great reviews. For starters, it includes a number of impressive specs, including tablet mirroring and a voice search feature that other media streamers have yet to include. It also has gaming capabilities (with an adapted gaming controller). While there are free games available, additional ones can be downloaded for as low as .99 cents. The Amazon Fire TV includes Wi-Fi connectivity, 1080p resolution, 2GB of memory, 8 GB internal storage, free Cloud storage and supports Dolby Digital Plus, 5.1 surround sound. It is definitely worth every penny.
3. Roku 3
Price: $99.99
The Roku 3 is the latest Roku model and is one of the most popular media streamers currently available. It provides access to over 1,000 channels. With the free Roku mobile app, iOS and Android smartphones can double as a personal remote control. For gamers, the Roku 3’s technology enables motion-control for games. It is compatible with any HDTV; features programs in 720p & 1080p and supports digital HDMI 7.1 and 5.1 surround sound. Roku has made a name for itself and seems to only increase the ante with each newly released model.
4. Apple TV
Price: $99
The Apple TV is a favorite among diehard Apple users. The “AirPlay” feature wirelessly connects iPhone, iPods and iPad content to the TV. All that’s really needed to connect is a HDMI cable. With 1080p, TV shows and movies are shown in high quality resolution. With iCloud, additional movies and TV shows can be purchased— that aren’t included on Hulu Plus, Netflix, etc. iCloud also wirelessly stores data for the ultimate streaming experience. It is a great option for anyone who is all about Apple products and already own other iOS devices.
5. Matricom MX2
Price: $97
The Matricom MX2 is another media streaming device that hasn’t received much publicity, but deserves recognition. It features a ton of useful specs that can really transform home entertainment. For starters, it provides shows and movies in HD with a 1080p resolution. It is a must-have for Android lovers, as it enables full access to Android mobile apps. Consider it half Android device for your TV and half media streamer. These two great components are likely to bring a range of entertainment to the home.
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While there are plenty of other media streamers currently available, these are the top ones in terms of product specs and customer reviews. They provide the ultimate experience in home entertainment, for effortless Internet browsing and TV/movie browsing. So if you are looking to cancel your cable provider or are looking for a great media add-on; add these devices to the top of your list.
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