How to Add and Claim Your Website on New Alexa

I know that this not the first time when someone is going to tell you that how you can add and claim your site on Alexa. There are lots of resource available online which can easily let you know that how you could add and claim your website or blog on Alexa website.

Well, I am writing this post just to give you a quick update on Alexa website and that’s why you might have seen, there are lots changes has been made in the new Alexa website. So I decided to give you a quick review on the new updated Alexa website, so you can easily know about the options that has been changed, and this will help you to know that how you can add and claim your website on new Alexa, if you are not able to find the options that how and from where you can add and claim your website.

How to Add and Claim Your Website on New Alexa Website
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Follow the steps below to add and claim your website on Alexa.

1- Go to Alexa website and login to your account
2- Now go to Dashboard
3– To add a new website just click on the ‘’Add My Website’’ option on the right side, after adding your website URL you can’t simply add your site why? See below.

Till the Alexa has updated their website they have started charging a monthly Fee for any new websites, now you will have to pay a $9.99 per month for the basic plan, but for the first month it would be free. So just choose your plan and add your website.

Now, after adding your site just go back to the Dashboard and head over to ‘’Site Management’’, hover your mouse on that and click ‘’Claim Your Site’’, Now you will get three options to claim your website you can choose any of them to which you think would be easy for you. If you are using a blogger blog, I will suggest you to choose the second option to claim your blog, it’s easy and takes minutes to claim your blog. Just choose the second option and you will get a HTML code, just copy the code and paste it into your blog <Head> section by editing your blog template.

Alexa Website Verifivcation

If you want to see how exactly you should add the code into your blog just click on the Learn More option on the right. After adding the code save your template and come back to your Alexa dashboard and click ”Verify My ID” That’s now you have successfully added and claimed your website on Alexa.

SEE ALSO: 7 Tips on Making a Successful Blogging Career

Please share if you have any problem adding and claiming your website or blog on Alexa, i would love to help you.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is written and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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