Does “Growling Technology” Roar on Car Rental System?

Concatenating the cutting-edge technology with the unparalleled car rental industry can result in the tremendous transformations on the traveling landscape. Introducing the “rental facet” with the pioneering digital world can bring a smile on many faces. No doubt, these services are performing solacing and great work. But, just interpret; if the “technology” is added to them, then it will be going to amaze the world.

Ready to rent a car and pamper yourself with Technological-oriented Services!
If we switch to our title, then its answer is a “Big Yes”. The technology is encompassing the entire turf slowly and the car leasing services are one of its grand illustrations. The fact is that not a single entity can’t pull it out of the fire of technology. It’s good, isn’t it?

Probable Reasons for the Technology Upgrade in Car Rental
Well! Every coin has two surfaces. Although, hiring a car emerges as a feasible perk for every individual, but if we consider it from a company’s point of view, then it includes some adversities. Like-

In some instances, the car’s wear and tear are visualized as a paradigm of the occupational hazard.
The second experienced factor is the customer’s end of patience. In some circumstances, it will lead to the customer’s frustration.

These are the logical rationales that have been noticed. So, if technological innovations change the course of the car hiring services to alleviate these downsides, no one can deny it.
Let us discuss in depth about what are the newer technological elements that are embraced with car hiring facet:-

Digital Units Hug the Car Rental System 

Smartphone Scenario (Mobile Apps)
Every entity is accessible at the fingertips 24*7, so why not the car rental unit? Yes, we are talking about the “Mobile Car Rental Apps”. They are reining the entire sphere. These apps cater the unprecedented niche of information in the hands of every individual.

Either it is day or night, you can book a car at any time zone of a day. The car lease in Dubai allows you to access the services and the car will reach you in the least time as you expected.

To enjoy the ravishing experience of mobile apps, you have to download the specific car hire app, register by your name, book a cab, and the cab will reach your terminal. So, here is the software that provides you a myriad of rewards of traveling.

Touch Sensors (GPS) 
No more unfamiliarity about the car! Simply, use the enticing “touch screen keyboard” and monitor the exact direction and location of a car. What is it? It is the brilliant example of the technology. So, rent a car in Dubai, use this attribute, and ride to the airport on time.

Moreover, a propitious technological aspect- “virtual touch-screen keypads” was investigated in 2014 by Hertz. The “complete security” is attached to it. Actually, this virtual keypad is installed on the windshield.

The customer can come and enter the pre-given code, and then he is allowed to sit in the car.  Therefore, it is also a grand discovery in the world of car hiring sphere. An unexemplary aspect until now! Seems Remarkable!

Drive in Electric Vehicles
Let us incorporate the greener electric solution as compared to the combustion fuel. Yes, through EVs (electric vehicles)! This is certainly favorable to the car rental industry that can have the potential to bring several good upshots at present and in the future too. Presently, it can solve the issue of “range extension”.

If you are on a long trip and unfortunately, your car stops due to the fuel scarcity, then it will be a big issue for you. The usage of the electric conveyances will solve your problem to a certain extent. In the whole, you can say that these are the reliable alternatives that can replace the rental cars that are powered by the oil.

Biometrics Encryption
Over the recent years, the rental car thefts have escalated and won’t be captured or foreseen before. It is not only the personal cars that are being stolen but the hired cars also hold the place in the checklist of the crooks and highway robbers.

They make use of the false documents and identities to execute the forgery. Indirectly, we can say that it is the outcome of the negative utilization of the technology. We are not blaming the technology. But, there are various nuts, which use it adversely. No worries!

This technology is ready to surpass them through the- “Biometrics”. The biometrics coupled with the cops’ records help to trace the criminals and their exact locations so that they can be caught. Don’t you think that it reduces pseudo activities?

Forecast about Cars 
All of the above technological innovations create good to the car rental services and make them more efficient. But, what more changes the digital technology is going to bring! Yet, it is unknown, but we can make a try to predict some rough estimate, right! Let’s see…

Medical Cars
Sensors will be able to monitor a driver’s heart rate, eyes movements, and brain activity. Even, the “digital grip pads” could be introduced. These will be on the steering wheel that can evaluate the heart rate or other vital signs. Hats off to the technology!

Smartwatch Controls
Want to relish a “James Bond” type experience? Wait few years. The smartwatches will allow opening automatically and to tell a car to park itself. Even, after shopping, you won’t have to walk to your car. Just tell your car and it will reach your desired destination to pick you easily.

Self-parking Cars
It will be going to give a blast in future. Your car will find the relevant space and park it appropriately. The data allows you to push a button and rest of the work will be done by a car.

How tech-savvy are you? Are you waiting for such over-whelming innovations in the car sphere? Everyone does. The technology is doing a commendable job in the car rental system. Making it more productive using biometrics and booking software can have the strength to facelift the entire car-hiring scenario.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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