13 Tools to Build Mobile App Even You Can’t Code

There is always be a never-ending discussion over the native code, mobile web, and hybrid mobile app. but still there is one thing on which everyone is agreed that we can’t develop mobile app faster enough.

Basically low-code development platforms for the development of app use a drag-and-drop approach that permits the developer to provide application quickly at lower cost.

Rapidly increasing tools are mainly focused on the difficulty that occurs and the cost of app development. In this blog we are going to discuss around 13 tools for developing a mobile app. these tools have business process orientation. These are:-

AgilePoint NX

The new version of AgilePoint NX is the main player in the low-code app development space. This executing BPM workflow on top of Microsoft SharePoint. It has drag-and-drop development environments with strong support to connecting external systems.

It develops responsive web apps without needing you to write code; additionally, it also delivers an integrated forms developers, a report creating a tool which includes charts, a field-mapping utility for data sources. It can be installed on-premises, in a public SaaS cloud and in a private cloud.

Alpha Anywhere

It is database-oriented, smart app development tool which develops hybrid and web mobile app that can also work offline.

This tool permits the developers to develop good app fast with native look & feel and surprisingly solid performance. Alpha Anywhere support strong SQL database because it permits you to use native SQL dialects of each database or you can also go with Alpha Portable SQL facility that gives the perfect native SQL for the current database connection.

It supports offline mobile operation and minimizes the development of data conflicts resolution. For a large amount of data, Alpha added mobile file system access in the hybrid mobile app with compression. It is a benefit in both one for producing large no of audio files, images and video and secondly for viewing cached media offline even if you don’t have connectivity.

Appian Quick Apps

Around 2 years of intense development, Appian has transformed this business process management product into mobile app development platform. Appian permits the developers to create and use android, iOS and web apps with full-featured process Modeler, cloud deployment, mobile and user experience developments.


It is a cloud-based, unified, drag-and-drop editor for Android and iOS apps with HTML5 Web apps it seems like an odd combination but it works great. Additionally, it also consists mobile back-end services for apps that you create with its platform.

The design of this tool permits Android, iOS and HTML5 apps from a drag-and-drop editor varies on modules and blocks with action and layouts. It has executed a set of classes in Java for Android, CoffeeScripts for Web apps, and Objective-C for iOS.

Bizagi BPM Suite

It is a BPM vendor which develop its Windows-based business process Modeler into mobile and web app development system along with addition intuitive forms, user interface design, virtual data, app-building wizard and workflow modeling.

Web apps talk to a presentation layer which is driven by the model as explained by the Bizagi Engine that runs on Java EE or.NET


This is a web-based enterprise platform for developing mobile and web forms with drag-and-drop forms developer and variable back-end technology.

The developer can develop the new replicate existing paper form or new form, API integration, set up process-specific workflow, capture digital signatures, enable form field autofill and embed logical transition. The mobile form helps in gathering information when the connection has been restored.

K2 BlackPearl and App

It uses various views, connectors to LOB, content management, customized form and cloud storage system to develop mobile and web apps.

From this tool, a mobile user can take benefit of offline forms and while online they can coordinate to the back-end system. This app is available for Windows, iOS and Android phone as well as it is available for cloud offering as a window-based server.

iBuild App

This tool is a web developer which provide customizable templates for Android, iPad, iPhone apps which can develop an app in 5 minutes. For templates-based systems like iBuildApp can create a valuable result with the functionality you required.

Caspio Bridge

This is started in 2000 as a SaaS web database application platform and developer by targeting businesspeople. Caspio enlarges its integration, services, deployment, and security option and it also bases its applications on a SQL Server Database with a web interface to a database.

It allows you to design your web app with a visual application developer, report generator, online forms, role-based permission and Both SOAP and REST APIs.


It is a low-code BPM app developer with the quick drag-and-drop design environments. The process of automation and modeling capabilities along with form and UI designers that produce responsive user experience.it also creates a mobile app for Android and iOS, makes on-time analytics and reporting and incorporates with the legacy system.


It merges online visual designers and a no of customizable sample apps with code generation for mobile app both Android and iOS app. this app has a charts and form fields, 60 backgrounds, a 4000 stocks images, many user actions, a navigation panel and a bar. ViziApps supports various JavaScript extension and customization along with 50 data source.

Mendix App Platform

It uses Window-based business Modeler to create a responsive web app which runs on mobile browser and desktop along with a hybrid mobile app for tablets and phones by using a PhoneGap Wrapper. It includes agile and Continuous delivery methods. The user can use this app to their local machine for testing and development.

Mobile Roadie

This allows to develop and manage their own native app. it supports all kind of media along with automatic importing of Google News Keywords, twitter or RSS. This also provides free roadie connect an app to perform your app effectively and accurately.

It directs you in the submission process and also checks the quality of your content. The API language agnostic which helps you to pull data in a various format like JSON, CSV, PHP, XML and HTML.

By this app, you can easily give a custom look and feel to your app and apply it to all platform and also can use marketing tools after launching your app.

Above discussed tool might be useful and the information provided related to this tool is also helpful in developing your mobile app both iOS and Android. For more such information related web and app development stay connected with us..!!

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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