Hitman 2 March 2.20 Update Brings DX12 Support to PC and New Hantu Port, Singapore

Hitman 2 Hantu Port, Singapore

IO Interactive has now released the Hitman 2 March 2.20 update for PC, PS4 and Xbox One and also the full patch notes. As it was previously announced, the latest Hitman 2 update adds DX12 support to the game on PC. The update also brings new Sniper Assassin map in Hantu Port, Singapore for the Expansion Pass owners.

The latest Hitman 2 March Update 2.20 update also includes fixes for various in-game issues including, motion blur settings not working, benchmark mode results displaying incorrectly, multiple monitor bugs, ultra-wide monitor bugs, and some other fixes as well. As its first major content in this update,

The latest Hitman 2 March 2.20 update weighs approximately 1 GB on consoles and 1.8 GB on PC. PC players using AMD and Intel DX12 GPUs and on NVIDIA GeForce 900 series or better can now toggle the DX 12 option in the Launcher. The DX12 is said to fix the games current CPU optimization issues.

Check out the full Hitman 2 Update 2.20 Patch Notes Below.

Game Update 2.20: What’s NEW?

Hantu Port Location (Expansion Pass)
The first major content drop for our Expansion Pass is a brand new Sniper Assassin map in Hantu Port, Singapore.

Hitman 2 Hantu Port, Singapore

Hantu Port
We’ve added 7 new trophies/ achievements for the Hantu Port Sniper Assassin map.

Hantu Support
We’ve updated the menu flow for the Game Modes section, including new artwork and backgrounds for single player and multiplayer selection. Hantu Port has also been added to the Career Page.

Sniper Career
We’ve added the Himmelstein and Hantu Port locations to the Career/Statistics menu. The progression of each of the 3 rifles will be displayed (47, Stone and Knight).

Game Update 2.20: What’s Changing?

Nul Point
We’ve fixed an issue that could result in a successful playthrough ending with a ‘0’ score.

Static Rico
We’ve fixed an issue that could cause Rico Delgado to suspend his routine after the tattoo was finished.

Texture Fix
We’ve fixed an issue that could cause textures to flicker during the Three-Headed Serpent mission in Santa Fortuna.

Backpacker Bug
We’ve fixed an issue that could fail the ‘Backpacker’ Mission Story after placing the souvenir.

Shashka A33 Audio
We’ve fixed an issue that could cause the Shashka A33 rifle to have barely audible SFX when used by an NPC.

Brief Case
We’ve fixed an issue where 47 getting frisked with the briefcase could result in an animation where the briefcase clips through 47’s legs.

Wrench Stash
We’ve fixed an issue that prevented the Handyman Wrench from being used in a ‘Hidden Stash’.

Disco Crush
We’ve fixed an issue that was preventing unconscious NPC’s from dying when a disco ball was dropped on them.

Environment Sweep
We’ve fixed multiple minor issues across all locations (including Legacy) relating to Environment Art.

Ambient Array
We’ve fixed various examples of ambient sound either being muted or not changing smoothly.

Wrench Hit
We’ve fixed an issue that was preventing sound effects from triggering when pacifying an NPC with a wrench.

We’ve removed the Arrival ‘location’ from the Statistics page.

Ghost Mode Improvements

Map Areas
We’ve enabled area names to the Ghost Mode map to help with navigation.

Stabile Ghost
We’ve fixed a few issues that could cause crashes or infinite loads when entering a match.

Random First
We’ve fixed an issue where the first target in a match was not randomly selected.

PC-Specific Improvements

DX 12
We’ve enabled DX 12 support for all PC players using AMD and Intel DX12 GPUs and on NVIDIA GeForce 900 series or better. This option can be toggled in the Launcher.

Motion Blur
We’ve fixed an issue where the Motion Blur setting was not working as intended.

Benchmark Stats
We’ve fixed an issue that could prevent the results of the Benchmark being generated.

Multiple Monitors
We’ve fixed an issue that could cause out-of-world environments to be visible for players using multiple monitors, or a single ultra-wide monitor.

Taser Shot
We’ve fixed an issue where the ICA Proximity Taser would not react when being shot. Now, it will trigger as expected.

Stretched Outfits
We’ve fixed an issue where outfits could become stretched on certain machines running Windows 8.1 with AMD graphics cards.

We’ve fixed an issue where the PiP camera would sometimes display shadows erratically when the ‘Screenspace Shadows’ option is turned on.

Full patch notes can be found here. Hitman 2 is currently available on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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