Anthem Latest PTS Update Patch Notes Brings Seasonal Store, Several Bug Fixes and More

Anthem PTS Update

Full patch notes for the latest PTS update for Anthem is now available. Notably, EA had released the preview of this update last week and now the full Anthem PTS update patch notes are available which you can find below. According to the latest Anthem update patch notes, it brings new features to the game including a version of the Seasonal store which contains a war chest for players to check out. The update also adds new Shaper Storm Events based on players feedback as well as updates to Vara gameplay, VFX and cinematics.

The latest Anthem update also addresses several bug fixes, including various lighting and environment art issues within the Cataclysm area. Fixes issues with gunfire visual effects showing incorrectly depending on whether the Cataclysm storm was on or off and fixes to several crashes for the game and more. Check out the full patch notes below.

Anthem PTS Update Patch Notes (6/25/2019)

New Features

  • A limited version of the Seasonal store is now available. Spend the Crystals you earn from playing through the Cataclysm and other events on seasonal rewards.
  • Shaper Storm Events – Based on player feedback, creatures now spawn while waiting for the timer to finish counting down.
  • Updates to Vara gameplay, VFX and cinematics.
    • Boss Phases fully set up
    • Transitions now working properly
    • Attacks Updated
      • Fire wall speed increased from 8 seconds to 4 seconds
      • Ice projectile now seeks properly
      • Beam now triggers properly after player frozen
      • Dominion summon now works more than once
      • Close range melee now has an air version for hovering players
      • Pillar AOEs now have better timings and clearer VFXs
      • Ground fire timing has been made easier to avoid
      • Most attacks VFX and Animations have been improved
  • Updates to cinematic scenes, including new animations.
  • Cataclysm scoring is now affected by the difficulty selected.
  • Based on player feedback, notifications were added to inform the player of when each tier in the Shaper Storm Event starts.
  • Added/updated Inversion journal entries in the cortex. All current Inversions should now have names and descriptions.
  • Added audio cue for when a player is ready in the start of expedition screen.
    • The audio will fire if they are anywhere within the Star of Expedition screen (game mode, consumables, map, social, inversions), if they close the screen or navigate to the Forge they currently won’t hear it.

Bug Fixes

  • Various lighting and environment art issues addressed within the Cataclysm area.
  • Leaderboards: You are now able to see playcards other than just your own.
  • Vara now drops loot after she is defeated.
  • Fixed issues with VO not firing properly.
  • Reduced the volume of chat wheel VO to prevent it from talking over mission VO.
  • Fixed an issue where a party wipe in the Cataclysm caused completed arenas (other than the last one completed) to be reset and replayable.
  • Fixed issues with gunfire visual effects showing incorrectly depending on whether the Cataclysm storm was on or off.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cataclysm instructions were only being displayed for the first player to load in.
  • Fixed an issue where the Inversions pop-up was being displayed again after respawning.
  • Fixed an issue where your score for completing the Cataclysm was not reset for your next run if you didn’t defeat Vara in the previous run.
  • Fixed some issues with the interactions between the pressure plates and shield domes containing echoes.
  • Fixed several crashes.
  • Lowered the difficulty of the Valkyries in the story missions based on player feedback.
  • Cataclysm unlocked notification no longer appears each time you enter the Cataclysm.
  • Added electric hazards to prevent players from avoiding the Anomaly.
  • Fixed a chest that could spawn partially under the terrain after completing an arena in the Cataclysm.
  • Fixed an issue where completing an arena in the Cataclysm showed “World Event Complete” instead of “Cataclysm Event Complete”.
  • Fixed an issue where Valkyries would sometimes stop tracking and attacking players occasionally.
  • Fixed an issue in the Cataclysm where a party wipe while fighting the Riftmaster caused the rift to remain shielded after respawning, making it impossible to complete the arena.
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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