Xbox One S V2 Console With Price of $299 Listed by Retailer

Xbox One

In the range of the US retailer Target, a user would like to have come across a console with the code name Xbox One S Version 2 or Xbox One S V2. It is speculated that we could possibly be dealing with a simple placeholder for the Xbox Series S, which has not yet been officially announced.

Even if an official announcement is still a long way off, it is now considered certain that Microsoft will rely on two systems in the next generation of consoles.

In addition to the Xbox Series X, a weaker and cheaper version of the next-generation console is to appear, which has been haunted by the rumor mill for months under the name of Xbox Series S or Xbox Lockhart.

An employee of the US retailer Target caused fresh speculation, who pointed out via Twitter that a new console called Xbox One S V2 appeared in the internal databases.

It would certainly be obvious that we are only dealing with a simple revision of the Xbox One S, which may be delivered with the next-generation Xbox controller.

This is countered by the fact that Microsoft is offering a system that was equipped with hardware from 2013 at a price of 299.99 US dollars, parallel to the approaching start of the new generation of consoles.

It is, therefore, speculated that a simple placeholder for the not yet announced Xbox Series S could be hidden behind the name Xbox One S V2. According to the unconfirmed reports, the cheaper version of the Xbox Series X will be officially announced or presented in the next few weeks. The current product entry from Target could also match this.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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