How To Get Unbound Thresh Skin in League of Legends for Free?

Unbound Thresh

League of Legends recently hosted a new Sentinel of Light event that brought lots of new rewards, cosmetic items, and skins to grab including the legendary Unbound Thresh Skin. The Sentinels of Light event went live across Riot Games from July 8, 2021, until August 10, 2021. The biggest ever LoL event has now ended but you can still grab some of the popular skins in the game including the Unbound Thresh skin for free.

How To Get Unbound Thresh Skin in League Of Legends for Free?

Now, when say free it’s not actually that you don’t need anything to unlock or get Unbound Thresh skin for free. Every skin you want to unlock or get in the League of Legends game requires tokens (in-game currency). However, the best part is, you can grab these tokens really easily which you can use to get free Unbound Thresh Skin in the game.

Now, to unlock Unbound Thresh skin in League Of Legends for free, all you need is 300 event tokens. These tokens can be earned by completing in-game event matches such as the Sentinel of Light event. But, since the event has now been closed you can’t really take part in the event.

The other way you can use to get Unbound Thresh skin in League Of Legends is by playing more and more League Of Legends missions which can easily help you get more Ruined orbs, prestige points, XP boosts, blue essence, and emotes.

Notably, during the event, Unbound Thresh skin required players to spend as much as 300 Ruined orbs to get or unlock the skin for free. The Unbound Thresh was a Sentinel of Light event shop only exclusive skin. That was available to grab during the Sentinel of Light event.

Now, it may be possible that the Unbound Thresh skin has moved to the in-game items shop. If you find the skin there then you can purchase it from the item shop.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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