Star Wars Jedi Survivor Patch 4 Out Now

Jedi Survivor

Last week, Star Wars Jedi Survivor launched with a large number of issues that, for many players, rendered the game unplayable. This was particularly the case on PC, where stuttering frame rates and outright crashes were commonplace. As a result, EA quickly apologized to PC gamers and released a patch for PC and consoles on May 1, 2, 2023.

And today, the fourth of those updates have landed on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S and PC to follow soon. The PS5 and Xbox version of the update contains a lot more than just performance improvements, though. The full patch notes include fixes for several crashes, a fix for an elevator that could lead to progression blockages, corrections to the way lightsaber marks are displayed, and more.

In addition, the PC version of the patch update which is expected to go live at some point this week, introduces a range of changes to improve performance and graphical quality. These include changing streaming budgets to help alleviate traversal hitching, improving occlusion behaviour when using raytracing, reducing idle time stalls, and making general improvements for CPU and GPU utilization.

In other words, it’s a small but solid first update that should address the vast majority of the problems that plagued the game at launch. More are on the way, too, as Respawn continues to roll out consistent patches for its new title.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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