Facebook Settlement Payout Date? Everything You Need to Know

Facebook Settlement Payout

The Facebook Settlement Payout is a significant event in the realm of data privacy and consumer rights. It stems from a lawsuit against Facebook (now Meta Platforms) for privacy violations. The case has culminated in a substantial $725 million settlement, making it one of the largest in a privacy lawsuit.

The Facebook Settlement Payout revolves around a class-action lawsuit alleging that Facebook violated user privacy. This settlement is not only notable for its size but also for the number of people it affects and the precedent it sets for digital privacy.

Facebook Settlement Payout Background and Key Points

Facebook was directed by the court to identify and notify affected individuals by specific dates. Eligibility for the payout was determined based on whether individuals had an active Facebook account during the specified period and believed their data privacy was compromised.

Claim Process

Eligible individuals were required to submit a claim form before a deadline, providing necessary personal and account information. This process was managed by Angeion, a company specializing in handling such cases.

Payout Date and Amount

As of now, there is no specific date for when the payouts will be distributed. The expected date for the distribution of settlement payments was initially around January 2023, approximately 90 days after final approval. However, ongoing legal appeals have delayed this process. When the payments are eventually made, the median payout is anticipated to be around $30 per claimant.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the settlement, individuals must have resided in the United States and used Facebook between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022. Those who submitted a valid claim by the August 25, 2023 deadline are expected to receive an average payment of $30.

Appeal Process for Rejected Claims

Claims can be rejected for various reasons. If your claim is rejected, you may have already received notification by email. It’s crucial to check both your inbox and spam folder. If rejected, individuals have a 10-day window to appeal the decision. The Angeion portal provides a means to appeal and correct any errors in the claim.

Checking Claim Status

Claim status can be checked on the official settlement website, which also offers a FAQ section to help address common queries.


The Facebook Settlement Payout marks a pivotal moment in digital privacy. It highlights the importance of user data protection and the responsibilities of tech giants in this domain. The case’s outcome is a reminder of the power of collective legal action in holding corporations accountable.


  • What is the Facebook Settlement Payout? The Facebook Settlement Payout is compensation disbursed to eligible Facebook users in the USA as part of a $725 million privacy lawsuit settlement.
  • Who is eligible for the payout? Individuals residing in the United States who used Facebook between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022, and submitted a valid claim by August 25, 2023.
  • What is the expected payout amount? The average payout is expected to be around $30 per claimant.
  • How can I check the status of my claim? Claim status can be checked on the official settlement website, facebookuserprivacysettlement.com.
  • What if my claim is rejected? You can appeal the decision within 10 days of notification using the Angeion portal provided for this settlement.
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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