Five Tech Tools That Will Make Your Life Easier

Technology has accelerated exponentially in recent times, and with that, also the potential for it to make your life easier, whether by helping you to be more productive, quickening previously tedious tasks, or other previously unthought-of innovations.

The world of technology out there is vast, so here we have selected five simple technology tools that we think will make your life easier.

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Save it on the cloud
Relegated are the days of USBs and emailing documents to yourself. These days, it’s all about cloud computing. Cloud computing is where you save your documents, photos, and other files onto a cloud (like a virtual server), enabling you to access them wherever you have an Internet connection. The beauty of cloud computing is that your files can be automatically synced back to your computer. There are a myriad of data storage services to choose from, the most popular being Apple’s iCloud, Google Drive, and Dropbox.

ULR shortening
URL shortening is a technique on the Internet where a URL may be made shorter yet still direct to the original, required page. You can see this all the time as Twitter automatically shortens the links you include in order to fit within 140 characters. However, you can manually shorten URLs yourself using sites such as Google URL and bitly. These are perfect when you’re emailing links, linking someone to an article, and so forth. Some even have real time analytics so you can see how many people are clicking through your links!

Bookmark it
Do you find yourself coming across articles and videos that you don’t have time to instantly read or view? If so, mobile bookmarking apps such as Pocket (Free) and Instapaper ($4.49) are the perfect solution. These apps help you to save interesting articles or web pages that you want to read, syncing the text or video onto your smartphone so that you can view it later even without an Internet connection.

When you’re running late for the train
Technology has advanced to the stage where it can virtually help you plan your life, down to the detail of which train or bus you will catch. Most public transport networks have caught on to this, collaborating with savvy software developers to create mobile apps that help its travellers access train or bus timetables right from their smartphone. Apps can now even be updated in real time – giving you ample warning should your train or bus be delayed!

That photo function
For many, the little camera on the back on their smartphone or tablet is a far under-utilised tool. A smartphone camera can be used for far more than taking photos of family members and daily occurrences. For example, it can scan QR codes that you see on advertisements. Perhaps even more usefully, you can also download apps such as Genius Scan (Free) that help you take scans of important documents. Forget running around like mad looking for a copy centre anymore!

Lucy Holmes is a university student and freelance writer who is interested in technology and how it intersects with society and culture. You can find her learning about Macquarie Telecom’s corporate infrastructure in her spare time.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Lucy Holmes and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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