LG Roboking Kicks Some Roomba Ass With It’s Multi Faceted Futuristic Technology

iRobot’s Roomba has some stiff competition from LG’s new play toy, the RoboKing.  There is a new cat in town, and it claims to be the King. LG’s latest has some very interesting new features which are all set to impress the masses and the classes.

The Roomba does the Zoomba:

  • From among a lot of home appliances, vacuum cleaners seem to be the most in demand.
  • People want their houses to be clean without the added hassle of running around here and there, having to waste time and energy.
  • With the emerging trends in technology, cleaning the house has become much more fun. 
  • Take for example, the Roomba. It is relatively small and shaped like a large disc-man. Who would imagine that such a small thing could clean your house on its own, and in addition to that do things like play Pac man (a few geeks hacked Roombas to play real life Pac man) or protect kids from danger (a Roomba was found to have caught a venomous snake in one of its brushes) and even steal your hearts (research done by Georgia Tech found this to be true!).
  • Well, Roomba would soon be heartbroken for want of attention because LG has got a new toy for you, presenting the LG RoboKing VR6172LVM!
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The new LG VR6172LVM is not a bunch of numbers and letters only
The latest RoboKing is shaped like the Roomba series, is more modest, and has several interesting qualities.

  • For one, it is the only robot vacuum cleaner that is operational: the two cameras help it map its surroundings better in terms of cleaning.
  • What is more interesting is that this device does all the cleaning without making much noise.
  • Usually there are vacuum cleaners that drown out every conversation that you might be listening to, may it be on your phone, with a guest at home, or otherwise.
  • LG understands this problem and has made the new RoboKing work at a noise less than 50 decibels. Yup! It is indeed very silent.
  • The King’s recent optimizations now allow it to finish all the dusting, scrubbing and the sweeping at a 30% faster speed.
  • It has sharper sensors as compared to its counterpart; all fifty one sensors work in tandem to provide excellent quality cleaning and brushing facilities.
  • The sensors are well adept at preventing collisions with obstacles like furniture and feet provided that they are at least 1 cm in thickness.

Not impressed just yet?
Here is its master characteristic. I am sure no matter how much you may be attached to your Roomba you would wonder what it/he/she would be like to have a chat with and you must be tired on your one way conversations with it/him/her. RoboKing hopes to erase such thoughts from your mind, because well, it can express!

The new RoboKing can tell you when it is not feeling too well and not only that it can tell you where exactly it hurts. The robot has the capability to diagnose itself through the “Smart Diagnostic” feature. This feature allows in to run a self-diagnostic test with one push of a button and within thirty seconds it will tell you where and which part of the robot is faulty and needs attention.

Currently, selling at around $700 approx, the King is definitely here to stay!

Tim Johnson is head buyer for an electronics retail chain in Brisbane. He spends most of his hours testing new gadgets and home equipment before deciding which ones to carry in the stores. Robot vacuum cleaners are his current favourite.

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Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Tim Johnson and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of cyberockk.com, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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