Organisational Apps To Help In The Workplace

Being more organized at work probably features on a fair few resolution lists each and every January. Back to work after the Christmas break feeling relaxed and ready to get started, we all like to feel that this year will be the year when we finally get our in-tray under control, turn up on time every day, never miss a deadline and always finish at 5pm on the dot knowing we have fully completed every task we set out to do that day. The chances of this happening are significantly increased when we utilize outside help – namely, a series of apps designed to help us be super-organized.

Based on the same principle as the iPhone’s built in Reminders app, CheckMark has proven itself to be far superior in terms of ease of use and reliability of reminders. Users can program in commonly visited places to their home screen and set location-based reminders from here. When the user enters the location the reminder will activate. The app can also be used to set time-based reminders or simply as a note pad.

Get CheckMark via App Store –


While Gmail remains the mobile email app of choice for Android users, Sparrow is Apple’s answer to its previously fairly poor Mail application. A streamlined service that clears your inbox faster than you can say Jack Robinson (or Jack Sparrow!) has proven popular ever since its release last year.
Get Sparrow via App Store –


A to-do list is an essential part of the organization at work in any format, be it pen and paper, desktop or mobile based. Clear is a simple yet effective app for the iPhone based on creating lists of tasks, grouping them and checking them off as they are completed. While it does not have any additional features such as sharing group tasks it has become one of the most popular tools for the personal organization on the market.

Get Clear via App Store –


These storage apps use cloud technology to let the user store information and manage or share that data from wherever they happen to be. Any data stored in the application is automatically stored in the cloud and across any other linked devices such as a desktop, laptop or tablet. These are perfect for those who find they often arrive at meetings or the office without all the information they need.

Get DropBox via App Store –


One of the best free organizational apps, CardMunch lets the user upload business cards and turn them directly into contacts via LinkedIn, including a full profile so you need never forget who you need to speak to again.

Get CardMunch via App Store –


The CloudOn app brings the Microsoft Office suite directly to your mobile phone and links it to all other relevant applications such as DropBox or Google Drive. This app lets users feel as if they are sitting in their office chairs at their desktop machine even when accessing files remotely from a mobile. It allows viewing of files in almost any format you could possibly require and keeps a log of your activity for later reference.

Get CloudOn via App Store –

This post was brought to you on behalf of leading office desk supplier – to compliment any office environment.

About the Author:
This article is posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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