While trying to purchase a domain name it may be quite difficult for you to find a good and cheaper domain name provider because today there lots of online companies are selling domain at very low rates of the price which starts from Rs.99 to 499 if you chose. Com for your blog, but purchasing a domain only for your blog is not enough there are many other things you need for your blog to host your blog well with your domain. So finding the best domain name provider may be good for your blog and for you also. Here i have listed some of the best domain name providers which sells domain and other related services you can have look on that if you are planning to purchase a domain for your blog.
Best Domain Name Provider on the Internet
1- BigRockk
BigRock is the best place for you to purchase a domain hosting your site, this is the best domain name provider in India if you are India you must try this site for your blog. The domain name starting from just Rs.199 for. In and for. Com it is Rs.599 per year, and if you by domain name from this site you get your own 2 free Email ID for your site like [email protected] etc. You can read my previous article on How To Purchase A New Domain From BigRock.com and How To Connect A Blogger Blog To Your BigRock Domain, the customer support is so good and highly appreciated. For any question, you will get your answer as soon as possible.
2- Blogger
As we all know that you can create your free blog just by creating your account on blogger which is owned by Google. If you are a blogger and you are using blog spot.com name as your blog address then you can change it any time just by purchasing a domain name for your blog, you can purchase your domain name from your blogger account you don’t have to go any where else
3- EasyDNS
Easy DNS is a very good platform for baying a domain name for your blog, It gives you to Register or Transfer a domain name, with full DNS control, URL Forwarding, and Email Forwarding. You can easily mange your DNS (Domain name server) by accessing it from the DNS section. The site provides 24×7 support and 100% DNS Up time to any organization or enterprise.
4- GoDaddy
Godaddy is a largest selling platform of domain names and website hosting services Godaddy is a biggest hosting platform for blogger because if you purchase a domain from blogger then Google offers you services from godaddy and registered your domain on the Godaddy server.
5- ix web hosting
This site is hosting more than 5,00,000 site over the internet, this site offers you great features for your domain and hosting service. You can purchase your domain here by having unlimited space, unlimited bandwidth, most interesting feature is if you host your domain at this site you will get 1 domain for free for your site for more just check it for your self.
6- 1and1
This offers you domain name at a very low price at just $8.99 for one-year registration. If you want to by .Com or .Net then it cost you about $8.99 for one year byt this price may be change any time just visit the site for more.
7- Yahoo! Small Business
As we all know Yahoo no need to talk about more. But if you are planning to by a domain name then you should try yahoo for purchasing or hosting your site. You can get your domain at just a price of $9.95 per year and you will also get domain forwarding, complete DNS control 24 hour customer support. You can also create your website including your domain name and business Email service at just a price of $5.99 per month online selling option s also available here.
8- No-IP
You can also purchase your domain from this site very easy to access you domain name and other related services. You can know more about this site by visiting the website if you like you can go ahead.