Battlefield 2042 PlayStation Controls

Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 Open Beta will start between October 6-9, 2021. Early access is available on October 6-7, 2021 for all players who pre-order the game or are current EA Play members.” Also, the Battlefield 2042 preload starts on October 5, 2021.

So, if you are getting your hand ready to play the Battlefield 2042 beta on your PlayStation then you might also be looking for the Battlefield 2042 PlayStation controls or key bindings. So that you can prepare yourself better for the fight and know what control button options do in the game.

So, without any further ado, let’s have our look at the Battlefield 2042 PlayStation Controls and Key Bindings.

Battlefield 2042 PlayStation Controls
Move: Left Stick
Sprint: Left Stick (Click)
Look: Right Stick
Melee: Right Stick (Click)
Crouch: Circle
Prone: Circle (Hold)
Slide: Circle (While sprinting)
Jump: Cross
Vault: Cross + Move towards obstacle
Enter/Exit Vehicles: Square
Revive: Square (Hold)
Plus Menu: L1 (Hold)
Comorose/Ping: R1 (Hold)
Zoom: L2
Fire: R2
Switch Primary/Secondary Weapon: Triangle
Specialty: Left Directional Button
Open Gadget: Right Directional Button
Grenade: Up Directional Button
Reload: Square
Call-In Menu: R1 (Hold) + Select Call-Ins
Full Map: Touchpad (Press)
Menu: Options Button
Swap Seat (Vehicle): Cross
Battlefield 2042 PlayStation Controls
Image Credit: EA: Click to Enarge
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