What Is The Relationship Between Supply Chain Management And Data Analytics?

Supply Chain Management

The relationship between data analytics and supply chain management is complex but not impossible. Both require a significant investment of time and money, but they also offer many benefits. Big data analytics can improve sales and distribution by analyzing historical data and real-time events. Manufacturing companies need to implement big data techniques to stay competitive and grow. Currently, the largest segment of growth is the predictive maintenance of equipment.

The relationship between data analytics and supply chain management can be explained in a few ways. Big data analytics is used in inventory management to select warehouses closest to customers. With business analytics training online, you can also optimize routes based on customer and delivery preferences, and you can also use it to improve decision-making. Online retailers like Flipkart use big data analytics to enhance their supply chain management by using big data analytics. By using advanced mobile technologies and improving algorithms, Flipkart ensures top-notch supply chain management.

What is Supply Chain Management?

Supply chain management (SCM) involves a carefully researched strategy that ensures the availability and quality of products and services at the right time. It is an ongoing process that aims to decrease costs while improving profit margins. The complexity of supply chains increases as the number of products and services increases, as is the speed of delivery and oil price. In addition, the scarcity of talent, global competition, and changing market trends add to the challenge of managing a complex supply chain.

What is Data Analytics?

In this age of big data, it is essential to understand data analytics. This type of analysis can provide insight into the behaviors and preferences of your audience, and it can also help predict future customer behavior. This type of analysis is also known as dimension reduction, and it is a powerful tool to understand how your audience interacts with your brand. 

Data analytics is transforming supply chain management.

The process of managing inventory in the supply chain is similar to that of running a power company. The electricity companies can quickly start and stop plants, add new consumers, and adjust prices and promotions to meet demand. But in the retail world, this approach can improve service and scheduling. With big data analytics, online retailers can optimize management processes and optimize routes to meet demand. 

Supply chain and data analytics allow companies to have a holistic view of their logistics network. These data can reveal where and when a disruption in the supply chain occurs. With this information, analysts can quickly react to minimize the disruption and re-align supply chains to prevent out-of-stock situations. Some systems even analyze data in real-time and send out alerts when a problem has arisen. These benefits optimize purchasing coordination and spotting opportunities in a complex supply chain.

Big data can help with inventory planning, management, and demand forecasting. It increases the overall efficiency of business operations and results in huge savings. Besides reducing the overall inventory cost, more accurate demand planning also avoids over procurement and stockouts. In addition, it also keeps excess inventory from turning obsolete. So, if you are selling goods online, supply chain analytics can improve the quality of your product and service.


If you’re looking to advance your career in supply chain management, you can now enroll for the best data analyst course online with Great Learning. This comprehensive course offers top-class resources for all levels of learners. You can even use the certification on your printed resume, CV, or LinkedIn profile. This course will help you stay ahead of the competition in this growing field.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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