UFC 5 Release Date, Gameplay Trailers, Game Pass and More Details

ufc 5

Are you looking for the UFC 5 release date? Have you been looking forward to its new gameplay trailer and game pass? If so, you have come to the right place! In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the upcoming title. Keep reading to find out when you can buy the game, view the gameplay trailer, and get more information. We hope that this article has helped you out in your search for UFC 5!

UFC 5 Release Date

With the UFC games being spaced out, it can be hard to predict when a new one will come out. However, with the recent release of UFC 4, the hype surrounding the upcoming game is increasing. The game will be released sometime between August and July of 2022.

The game is being developed by EA Vancouver, the same studio that made FIFA 22 and the NHL franchise. While it’s not known when exactly UFC 5 will be released, the developer has been busy working on updates for the game’s current version, UFC 4. This is because EA didn’t want to split their senior creative minds between the two projects. Its next-gen version will be fully realized.

UFC 5 Gameplay Trailer

For those who are excited for a new game, unfortunately there is no official gameplay trailer released for the UFC 5. EA Sports has released a gameplay trailer. We will update this article when EA releases the official UFC 5 gameplay trailer.

UFC 5 Game Pass

While the release date for the next installment of the hit MMA franchise is still unknown, the developers have revealed that the game will be released on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. As of now, there is no confirmation whether or not the UFC 5 will be available with the Xbox Games on it day one launch.

The company is also working on a new Fight Night title titled “Moneyball.” The development of UFC 5 is currently on hold until EA Sports has completed the game. They didn’t want to split their senior creative minds. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t finish it. EA Vancouver is working on the next MMA title and may be preparing for it. Either way, it looks like we are one step closer to a new era for MMA!

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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