3 Ways to Get Better Feedback on Your Web Designs

The design and focus of your website might look spectacular to you, but that doesn’t mean that your users have the same vision. This might be okay if you are simply running a small, personal blog, but if you are running a website meant for a business or to be used in some other professional manner, you will want your users to be happy. For this reason, getting feedback on your web designs is very important to the success of your professional endeavors.

Try The Five Second Test
Do you remember playing the memory games in school? A tray would be brought out and you would have one minute to look at it and then write down everything you remembered from it. Five Second Test allows you to show users your website for just five seconds and then answer questions about what they remember about it. This will give you a look at what clients see first and remember most about your design. If it is not what you had hoped they would remember, you can tweak the design to better reflect the needs of your business. Another third-source option for getting better feedback is User Testing. The User Testing website allows you to pay a small fee for a video of a person browsing your website and talking about loud about their thoughts as they click through. You have the option of choosing the demographics of your viewers and providing them with tasks to execute while they are on your website. Both of these options have a benefit over simply showing your design to family and friends. Family and friends may tell you everything is great in an effort to spare feelings. Strangers will be honest about their feelings, allowing for more honest constructive criticism.

Get Better Feedback on Your Web Designs

Take an Idea From Your Grocery Store Receipt
Chances are, you shop. And there’s a big chance that at least one of the stores that you shop at gives you receipts with the option to take a short survey and be entered to win cash prizes upon completion. People like to enter contests and they love to win things. Offer incentives for feedback. Since many people will automatically close a pop-up that offers cash prizes to take a survey, try alternative methods. Create a blog post or other page asking for feedback. Ask specific questions to be sure that you get the information you need. Offer an incentive, such as telling those that participate in the questionnaire that they will be entered into a drawing for a free gift. Make it something that fits your website’s focus audience or something that will work for any niche, such as a Visa gift card. Make sure there are plenty of ways for users to communicate their responses and that it is not too difficult. Commenting is one easy way and emailing you is another.


Evaluate Your Results, Change Something Up and Repeat
Once you have received a substantial enough results, it is time to take some constructive criticism. Read your users’ responses and thoughtfully take them into consideration. Decide if your focal point is, well, on point. Be sure to address any issues about confusion, readability or designs that aren’t loading well on certain browsers. Focus on things that are mentioned most often and work your way down to those that only one or two people brought up. Once you have redesigned your website, ask the users for feedback once again. If you’ve listened to their opinions, your feedback should be much more positive.

Derek Jackson is a web designer and guest author at Top Web Design Schools, where he co-authored the guide to the Top 10 Best Online Web Design Schools and Degrees.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Derek Jackson and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of cyberockk.com, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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