Choose the Best OS: Windows, Android, or IOS?

When comparing Windows, Android and iOS systems for tablets, the clear victor is Appleā€™s iOS. The devices hold the best value in the aftermarket, they function the best with the fewest problems, and they have the most universal form factor for accessories and cases. Even when walking into a store that sells all different types of tablets, it is clear to see that most the accessories are designed for the Apple iOS systems. The clear choice is to either buy or sell iPad.

Windows is the newest but can best interact with the Word, Excel, and Powerpoint software. It comes standard with side by side multitasking capability within the OS, a feature iOS claims is unnecessary and android only supports on certain models, but it struggles for its users to understand why itā€™s tablet version of the OS is unable to accept their old programs. The OS uses a completely new system from before and has the smallest selection of applications.

Best OS

Android is the most flexible for developers. It is easily manipulated from device to device because it is designed as an open source OS. It is typically used by those who like the ability to change and customize their OS, or by those looking for a less costly option for similar form and function to higher level tablets. It is known to require anti-virus software, especially to protect personal data when running on a live internet connection. Android devices, like Windows devices, are also not universal in their form factor, so finding accessories or repairing them is generally much more difficult.


Although iOS lacks some features that Windows and Android have, the system is the most secure and it also typically holds itā€™s value the best due to the price structure that Apple employs. The multitasking capabilities of the iOS are designed for fast switching between apps in a fullscreen environment, allowing the apps to constantly use a fullscreen layout and make development of applications a specific design experience. iOS purposefully was designed not to employ side by side multitasking technology on itā€™s devices, allowing for a smoother and more streamlined OS.

Windows, Android, or IOS

Between the three OSā€™s, software upgrades are the smoothest with Appleā€™s iOS. Do to the fact that Apple designs both the hardware and software from generation to generation of each product, the older devices continually get software upgrades that are tested for their specific hardware specifications. Windows and Android both authorize their OSā€™s on third party hardware systems and are unable to control how smooth the upgrade process is for older devices.

The best OS for tablets is by far the iOS by Apple. Not only is the iOS catered specifically to each of the tabletā€™s capabilities, but the devices are designed specifically to run the software at its optimum state. There are Windows and Android tablets that are sold with hardware that is slow to load, even simple games like Angry Birds will struggle to run. The clear winner iOS only runs on the iPad tablets, so sell iPad.

  • License: Creative Commons image source 
  • License: Creative Commons image source 

Laura is passionate about smart phone and can help you to sell iPad.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Laura and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.



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