IPhone 5: The Future Is Here

Ever since Apple released its latest flagship smartphone, the iPhone 5, the company’s success and popularity has soared more than ever. The iPhone 5 has been the fastest and best-selling iPhone yet thanks to its numerous great features. Many of these were carried over from the previous generations of the Cupertino, California tech company’s phones, while some are brand new and unique to the iPhone 5. It is worth exploring everything the device has to offer as it is certainly a smartphone of the future.4G LTE

• One of the best new features of Apple’s iPhone 5 is that it includes 4G LTE connectivity. It is the first iPhone to be compatible with the fastest wireless data speeds available through carriers AT&T, Sprint and Verizon Wireless. This means that users can enjoy streaming content, surfing the Internet and viewing videos and movies at very fast speeds, without lag.

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Redesigned Dock Connector

• A big change that is found in the iPhone 5 is that it has a completely redesigned dock connector. All previous iPhones had a proprietary 30 pin connector, but the iPhone 5 has one that is much smaller and consists of only nine pins. This can be seen as a negative aspect by certain users due to the fact that not all accessories are compatible with the dock adapter Apple has made for the iPhone 5. However, it is said that the new dock connector is conducive to considerably faster charging of the phone.

Aluminum Unibody

• The iPhone 5 has very much the same form factor as the last two generations of Apple’s smartphone, the iPhone 4 and 4S with two exceptions. The screen is a full half-inch longer at four inches, and the back of the device is now made with a highly durable aluminum unibody. Various drop tests have proven that the iPhone 5 is in fact the hardiest of all iPhones thus far.

FaceTime Over Cellular Data

• FaceTime is a feature that was first unveiled in the iPhone 4 in 2010. Of course, it is still available in the iPhone 5, but there is exciting news about it as it is now possible to use it with Wi-Fi or data through wireless carriers. This means that the individual can use it when they are out on the go and not in range of a Wi-Fi connection. It is particularly a great way to stay in touch with family and friends while on vacation in a remote location.

iOS 6

• The iPhone 5 comes out of the box with iOS 6, the most advanced of Apple’s operating systems yet. It does away with Google Maps and utilizes Apple’s very own brand of maps and a great new app called “Passbook” that allows the user to store a variety of passes all in one convenient location when they need them. Siri, the voice assistant feature originally released with the iPhone 4S, is also available in an upgraded version and is a pleasure to use.

Anyone who has been a fan of iPhone in the past should consider the iPhone 5 as their next smartphone. And if you are new to the iPhone world and have never owned before, you will not be disappointed. Apple has delivered once again!

This article was written by T. Beasley, article writer for RankExecutives and satisfied iPhone 5 owner. i-Adapters.com is your source for the best third-party lightning cables and iPhone 5 accessories.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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