Anthem Latest 1.1.1 Update Patch Notes Brings Fixes to Javelin Power Level Issue and More


Last month EA released Anthem 1.1.0 update patch notes bringing The Sunken Cell Stronghold to all players who have completed the main story (critical path) and a host of bug fixes to various games elements. Today, Bioware dropped another Anthem 1.1.1 Update Patch Notes, that’s not huge but it does bring various fixes to the game.

Most notably, the latest Anthem 1.1.1 Update Patch Notes brings fixes to Spanish and French audio issues that were in a conversation in the Sunken Cell stronghold. The update also fixes an issue where Javelin suit power level (rarity) was not correctly being calculated based on what items player equipped.


You can check out the full patch notes for Anthem update 1.1.1 below

Anthem Update Notes for 1.1.1

A reminder that Elysian Caches will be going away on May 7th, so if you have any keys left be sure to use them today!

  • Fixed an error where Weapon and Components stat values were not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed a problem where the suit power level (rarity) was not correctly being calculated based on equipped items.
  • Fixed an issue with Spanish audio in a conversation in the Sunken Cell stronghold.
  • Fixed an issue with French audio in a conversation in the Sunken Cell stronghold.
  • Fixed an issue causing a slight delay in Salvaging at End of Expedition
  • Partially defeated encounters will no longer re-dispense loot from previously defeated creatures.
  • [PC ONLY] – Right-clicking an item to salvage it at the end of expedition screen now requires the mouse button to be held.

Anthem is now available on PC, Xbox One, and PS4.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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