The Last of Us: Part II Delayed Indefinitely Due To Coronavirus

The Last of Us Part II

The global situation caused by COVID-19 has brought several challenges to the video game industry. This has caused several problems for many studios, which have had to make difficult decisions. One of them was Sony Interactive Entertainment, who announced that The Last of Us: Part II was indefinitely delayed.

Through a Twitter post, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced that they made the decision to delay The Last of Us: Part II and Marvel’s Iron Man VR “until further notice.” The above as they ensure that the global situation has prevented them from having “the launch experience” that their fans deserve.

“SIE has made the difficult decision to delay the launch of The Last of Us Part II and Marvel’s Iron Man VR until further notice. Logistically, the global crisis is preventing us from providing the launch experience our players deserve,” were the words of Sony. Until today, The Last of Us: Part II was slated to release on May 29, 2020.

But what state is The Last of Us: Part II in? As reported by Naughty Dog, the game is almost ready. In fact, they say they are in the process of fixing the latest game bugs.

If the game is almost over, what caused it to be delayed? The studio explained that these are logistics-related situations that are beyond their control. Thus, the game will be delayed until the time comes when these problems can be solved. You can check the below Tweet from the studio that explains the situation.

Naughty Dog’s words seem to indicate that this is a decision related to the manufacture of physical copies of The Last of Us: Part II and its global distribution. Be aware that the coronavirus has affected several distributions and production stores around the world.

What do you think about this decision? Were you excited to play The Last of Us: Part II in May? Tell us in the comments below.


Rajesh writes about the hottest and the latest game news and anything around gaming.

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