Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone season five update 1.24 is now live and it brings lots of stuff to the game. The Modern Warfare & Warzone season five update patch notes have also been relaesed which you can check out below, but first let’s have a look at what’s new.
What’s New in Modern Warfare and Warzone Season Five
The season five is here and it brings Four Multiplayer maps, new Operators, and a comprehensive Battle Pass system. This includes two 6v6 maps and a Gunfight map. There are also new game modes coming for both Multiplayer and Warzone. A detailed Modern Warfare season five content roadmap can be found here.
Modern Warfare & Warzone Season Five Update 1.24 Patch Size
Modern Warfare & Warzone Season Five update file size for PC, PS4 and Xbox One are as follows.
- PlayStation 4: 33.9 GB
- Xbox One: 49.8 GB
- PC: 54.2 GB (Modern Warfare owners) and 47.4 GB (Warzone only owners)
Modern Warfare & Warzone Season Five Update 1.24 Patch Notes
- Modern Warfare
- Ground War (Adding Verdansk International Airport)
- Blueprint Gunfight
- Search and Destroy Double Down (12v12)
- Face-Off (Livestock)
- Oil Rig and Harbor 24/7
- Warzone
- BR Duos
- BR Trios
- BR Quads
- BR Solos Buy Back (previously called BR Solos Stimulus)
- Blood Money Quads
- Mini Royale Trios (Fast-paced Battle Royale in condensed areas of Verdansk)
- Added Weapon Inspect!
- Fix for an issue where store bundle images could get stuck on the previous bundle image when scrolling on PC
- Fixes to prevent screen tearing
- Fix for an issue where Price and Gaz occasionally lose their eye models while navigating various menus
- Fixed a bug where, when the ‘Headshots Only’ option is set in a custom game, the male Operator hitboxes aren’t functioning properly
- Fix for an issue where the default scope on the Rytec AMR cannot be customized
- Fix for a bug where Care Packages, Juggernauts, and Emergency Airdrops were not getting properly refunded to the player if getting the ‘Too many vehicles, refunding killstreak’ message in a Custom Game
- Stopping Power rounds are now preserved on dropped weapons
- Added a brief decay period when transitioning from heavy footsteps (sprint, tactical sprint) to lighter footsteps (walk). This addresses players immediately becoming quiet upon slowing down from fast movements
- Fixed a bug where the player’s choice of weapon fire and scope states were not being saved and restored after interacting with the Sentry Gun, Shield Turret, and Care Package
- (We’ll have weapon tuning and other weapon adjustments in a future patch. Stay tuned for updates.)
- Fix for invisible collision appearing in Barakett Promenade
- Fix for a bug where the 23.0″ RPK Barrel was appearing broken in-game and in the Gunsmith menu
- Fix for an exploit where players were able to give themselves unlimited ammo
- Fix for an exploit using the Recon Drone and Care Package
- The PKM – Bludgeoner will now gather ammo from any other PKM weapon
- Fixed an issues where players were hearing the missed hit VO for the Precision Airstrike when right after calling it in
- Added a VO line when a player’s High Alert warning is triggered
- Fixed an issue where players could receive ‘wallbang’ kills when shooting through players
- New Warzone loot items!
- Gulag weapons will now rotate every week between four sets total
- Increased effective damage range for all semi-auto DMR and semi-auto Sniper Rifles
- Increased effective damage range for the FR 5.56
- Fix for a bug where the player’s physics could be controlled by the helicopter while they parachute out
- Fix for an issue where players were unable to call in any Air Strikes
- Fix for seeing invalid pings on the Heartbeat Sensor
- Added new VO lines to warn players of enemy Recon Drones being called in near them (BR only)
- Previously, the Most Wanted contract could respawn dead players. Now, it can respawn players in the Gulag in any state
- Fix for the ‘Alive in Gas’ challenge timer
- Improved stability
- VRAM usage is now displayed in 2 separate bars: one for Warzone and the other for multiplayer
- Added a keybind for Air Vehicles’ Horn in the Killstreak and Vehicles tab in the Options menu
Full official season five patch notes can be found here.