The Differences Between Fixed Wireless And Satellite Internet Service

Internet Service

When many consumers think about satellite internet and fixed wireless, they might consider them the same thing or at least very similar. There’s no need for a cable with either service, which limits the number of wires that lead into your home and that are actually inside your home taking up space. This is usually the end of how these services are similar.


If you choose a satellite internet connection, then you’re going to have a satellite dish outside your home, similar to larger dishes that were once used for television. Most dishes are placed on the roof of your home, but they can usually be placed anywhere as long as there’s a clear signal in order to receive data from the satellites that are in orbit.

Data that are received from the satellites in orbit is then sent to the equipment in your home so that you can use the internet. There could be a lag in how long it takes to receive the data since there is a long distance from one dish to the other.

This is one of the negative aspects of satellite internet and is known as latency. If you need faster service or if there are multiple people in your home who use the internet at one time, then you might want to consider a different type of connection.

You also have to think about the weather when it comes to satellite internet. If it’s raining, snowing, or even if there is debris on the satellite dish, then it can decrease the time that it takes for the signals to be received. If there’s enough debris on the dish or too much interference, then the signal could be completely lost for at least a short time.

There are usually data caps imposed by internet providers because of the equipment that’s used and because of the effort that it takes for signals to be sent and received. If you go over your data cap, then you can always purchase more data until your allowance renews, which can result in spending much more money than you want for internet service.

Fixed Wireless

If you want something that’s a little more secure and reliable, then consider fixed wireless internet. Radio waves are sent from an antenna in the area to an antenna that’s on your roof or on your property. Data is sent through the air, which means that the lag usually isn’t as significant as it would be with satellite internet. Since the data is transmitted in lower areas of the atmosphere, the weather usually doesn’t play as big of a role as it does with satellite internet.

There are few data caps if there are any at all. This is beneficial if you’re on the internet a good bit during the month or if there are others in your home who need the internet for school or if they like playing games.

If you need more bandwidth, it can usually be added the same day or the next so that you have faster service. The installation process typically takes a few days as long as you have permission to place an antenna on your property. Performance internet is something else to consider as it offers low latency, no data caps, and higher performance when it comes to the overall service.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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