How Gen Z’s Are Changing The Internet Service World

Internet Services

Gen Z is the first generation born into the internet age. They are also the generation that spends the most time online but is also the least likely to have access to broadband internet at home.

Gen Z

The Gen Z population is 91 million. That is 28% of the entire population, which makes Gen Z the largest of all generations. Worldwide, Gen Z accounts for 40% of global consumers. As mentioned in the introduction, they are also the first generation to have never known the pre-internet world.

Internet service providers know this fact. Their top customers are Gen Z that’s why many ISP’s innovate their services to provide reliable internet services and affordable internet plans to their consumers.


Dependent on the Internet

Just about everyone in the U.S. is now dependent on the internet to some degree, but Gen Z is at a different level than the rest.

In a recent survey, 58% indicated that going four hours without internet access made them feel uncomfortable—compared to just 27% of Boomers—and that 66% of them would take unlimited access to the internet over a college degree. The concept of logging off has faded away with this generation, which has a much more always on mentality than previous generations.

Less Home Broadband Access

Despite being the most jacked in generation, they are also the generation least likely to have a broadband internet connection at home. Among the 18-29 demographic, 70% have a home broadband connection.

Compare that to 86% among the 30-49 demo and 79% among the 50-64 demo. But this is not necessarily because they do not have access to the service or cannot afford it. While that probably plays a role to some degree, Gen Z simply does not value home internet access the same.

Gen Z and the Future Impact on the Internet

Gen Z has been referred to as digital natives, and consumer research shows that they are more optimistic and trusting when it comes to the internet.

Consider that 64% of Gen Z thinks that the internet has had a positive impact on the world whereas only 46% of Boomers agree. A majority of Gen Z—59%—still prefers their anonymity, but that number is trending down significantly compared to Millennials (63%), Gen X (64%) and Boomers (78%).

The Pandemic

This study by the Center for Generational Kinetics is not an isolated one. There is intense interest in Gen Z among marketing companies and the like, and the main driver behind this interest is that Gen Z was less affected by lockdowns during the pandemic.

Compared to the other generations, Gen Z more seamlessly transitioned into a world where it had to do almost everything online, including work, attend school, socialize, stream their favorite TV shows from top streaming services, order food and so on and so forth. Gen Z was comfortable in this new world, and companies that are undergoing a so-called digital transformation want to understand why and how.

The Road Ahead

Businesses arguably have a better understanding of Gen Z than any other generation ever. They know that 65% of Gen Z access the internet for entertainment. They also know that 82% of them prefer authenticity, such as using actual customers in ads, and that 72% are more inclined to buy from a company that contributes to social causes.

A majority of Gen Z expects websites to provide a personalized experience and to know what they want before they get there. That may seem odd to some, but many online stores do in fact have an idea of what you were searching for prior to your arrival.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.



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