SEE ALSO: 4 Apps You Didn’t Think Your iPhone Could Do
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I was worried about the need to purchase an international plan merely to communicate via text messaging with my family while I was away. Whenever I was able to connect to Wi-Fi, I was able to communicate through text messaging without actually sending SMS messages that incurred expensive charges. I was able to keep my friends and family updated about my whereabouts and how my day was going periodically throughout my trip. I was also able to hear about what was going on at home while I was away.
I didn’t want to spend a ton of money on a calling card or an international plan, and it turned out that I didn’t have to. Just like with iMessages, I was able to use FaceTime whenever I connected to the Wi-Fi in my hotel room or any local cafe. It was very comforting to be able to contact my family and see how they were doing while I was away from home. I also saved a lot of money on roaming calls. It was nice to be able to see the faces of my family and feel a little more connected to home while I was so far away.
With, I was able to monitor my Lewisville home security system all the way from London. This app makes home security monitoring very easy. I was able to check in on my home security cameras, monitor my thermostat and lights, and make sure that my doors were locked when I left my home. I was able to feel completely at ease about leaving my home while I traveled overseas, and when I returned it was good to know that I could be sure nothing dangerous was waiting for me. gave me an incredible sense of peace of mind, and I was grateful that I’d chosen a system that offered this app.
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Rae Piazza is a writer for Smith Monitoring. Rae is also active on many social networking sites. Follow her on WordPress, Twitter, & Poshmark!