Respawn has revealed all the details and fixes which will be included in the next Apex Legends update. According to the official Reddit post, the next Apex Legends patch update will bring fixes to the most reported issues which were discussed in the recent Apex Legends blog post. This includes issues like Slow Motion Server Performance at the Beginning of a Match, Audio Issues, Fortified bug in the Gibraltar and Caustic, etc.
Additionally, the next Apex Legends update will also bring stability improvements to the game and there will be a new Battle Pass with every season launch, a new Legend, and more. In the next Apex Legends update, Respawn will address all the game’s long-standing issues which Apex Legends players have come across since its launch.
Fix for Hit Registration and Fortified bug
Respawn has noted that there will be a possible fix for the issues surrounding hit registration for many players, which according to Respawn mostly related to mismatches between the way the game client and server pose characters in their animations. There will also be a fix for the Fortified issue, that came up in the balance changes we made to Gibraltar and Caustic.
Slow Mo Server Performance
Respawn has said that there will be few server optimizations rolling out with the next update which will bring fixes to players falling into ‘slow-motion’, particularly at the start of games.
Below you can find the two main Audio issues which Respawn has confirmed will be fixed in the upcoming Apex Legends patch update.
Audio Issues
Two areas we can confirm will be addressed in the next patch:
- Overall audio performance [addressing sounds dropping out /stuttering/distortion]
- Footsteps audio
Piggy-Backing and PS4 Crash Issue After 1.0.8 Update
Last but not least, the upcoming Apex Legends patch update will bring fixes to ‘piggy backing’, and issues with PS4s crashing after the 1.08 patch update was released.
Unfortunately, Respawn hasn’t revealed when the next Apex Legends patch will be available for players. But, still, the good news is that they are working on to bring fixes to the game’s most notable issues.