How To Optimize A Website For Maximum Income

If you run a website with the intention of earning income from it, then you will probably have followed many instructions online in order to create a site that can bring in your visitors and then earn profit from them. In most cases this will involve building a website, placing adverts on it such as Google AdSense and then writing lots of content to try and bring in the clicks.

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Now if you’re like a great proportion of people, then you are probably also somewhat disappointed with the kind of money that your site is bringing in. Websites don’t tend to start earning huge amounts right away and as each AdSense click will only bring in a few cent
s a pop it can take a while before you start to see any momentum building.

Bringing in more traffic is one way to increase your earnings of course, but this is a slow process and one that relies on many external factors. Better is to optimise what you do with that traffic and how you pay for your other expenses thereby earning more immediately. Here we will look at some of the best ways you can do that…


Better Monetisation
The way you monetise the visitors to your site is what will really the make the difference to your profits. If you monetise a site well then you can make a huge profit from barely any daily visitors, while the opposite is true for poorly thought out monetisation.

If you are relying solely on Google AdSense to generate revenue, then right away this is something that you should aim to change. AdSense, while a simple and effective way to convert visitors into income, pays out only a very small amount and drives traffic away from your site. The companies that pay for that AdSense must be making more or they wouldn’t be willing to pay – so that means you’re instantly at the bottom of the food chain.

Instead then, you should think of something you can sell yourself to your site’s visitors such as an e-book or an online course. If you don’t have a product you can create yourself, then just selling an affiliate product and earning a commission can be just as effective.

From here, you then need to think about how you can get more people to make purchases (or click on your ads). Everything from persuasive writing techniques to smart placement can make a difference here, so the key is to experiment, to tweak and to watch closely how any changes you make affect your stats.

Find Cheaper Hosting
Your hosting account is about your only overhead when it comes to running a website as is any marketing that you use to promote it. While marketing costs are a bit more complicated (the more you spend the more you will normally gain exposure), your hosting costs can often be reduced simply by finding cheaper services and this won’t always have any negative consequences for your site. Make sure the features are the same (whether you want a managed server etc.) but otherwise just find the cheapest package you can, this way more of the money you spend will stay in your account giving you wider profit margins.

Victor Brown is a web designer with a leading software firm. Designing a website can be tough, but getting traffic for it is an even tougher task, he concedes. An avid blogger, he often shares valuable tips about web designing on his blogs.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Victor Brown and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.



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