Using Meta Tags? How it Should Be Added and Optimized in Your Blog

I think we all know and have heard about Meta Tags, yes Meta tags, we all know that how important they are for our blogs and websites SEO. I know that, there are so many people who really don’t need to tell more about how they should use meta tags, but I think there are still so many bloggers out there who really don’t have much information about using meta tags in their blog and how it should be added into their blogs.
So here I will try to tell you that what are meta tags, why it’s important and how it should be added and optimized into your blog.

What are Meta Tags?
Meta tags are usually known as different types of keywords and phrases which can be found in a website or a blog. Meta tags are really important for any blog or website. It helps search engines to find relevant content on your blog posts or website, so it can give better search results on Google, Yahoo, and Bing, etc. Meta tags are always very important for your blog SEO and it improves the search result of your blog contents on Google and other search engines. So it should be added in its right way at the right place on in your blog.

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There are mainly three types of HTML meta tags which must be added in any blog or website. Below we will discuss each of them and we will know how important they are for our websites.


1- Title Tags: This is your header title tags, like your blog name, ‘’’’etc. In blogger you can simply add your blog title by going to your blog settings. This tag is really important and should be added very carefully, as this tag plays very important role in search engine ranking. Title tags should be something like, which can describe your blog very well. A good title tags should contain 10 to 64 characters, including spaces, but shorter is always better.

2- Meta Description Tags: A good meta description provide users to better understand about your blog. As Google uses these meta description in search results, when someone types and search your blog or website name on Google, then Google shows you blogs meta description along with your title tag and blog URL.

Here is an example of good written meta description and how it appears on Google search.

Meta Description Tags

A well written meta description can increase your CTR on search engine. Don’t forget to use relevant keywords into your meta description, as you can see above image. If you blog about technology, blogging, or mobiles, etc, then you should include similar keywords in your meta description tag. Avoid using irrelevant keywords in your meta description. Here is a online tool which you can use to check all about your meta tags Click Here.

Here is a video from Matt Cutts. explaining about Meta Description Tags.

3- Meta Keywords tags: Theses tags are not as much important as the meta description and title tags are. It’s because Google doesn’t use meta keywords for ranking any website in search results. It only uses title tags, meta description, and URL of the page.

This Meta tag provides a list of words or phrases about the contents of the Web page. This tag provides some additional text for crawler-based search engines. However because of frequent attempts to abuse their system, most search engines ignore this tag.

Here you can see an example that how your post appears on Google search.

Meta Keywords tags

So this is actually not very important for search engine ranking, Because most of the search engines including Google ignore this tag. So its better not to use this tag as its not important for your website ranking.

Here is a video from Matt Cutts, Head of Google’s Webspam Team explaining that why Google doesn’t use meta keyword tags in web ranking

How to Add Meta Tags Into Your Blog.
You can easily add these meta tags into your blogger blog. Just follow the steps below.

1- Go to blogger dashboard
2- Now click template >> Edit HTML (Always take backup of Your Template before editing)
3- Now press (Ctrl+F) keys on your key bored and search the following piece of code just below the opening tag <Head>.

<b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>

Now just after the above code paste the the below codes

<meta content=’BLOG DESCRIPTION HERE’ name=’description’/>
<meta content=’BLOG KEYWORDS HERE’ name=’keywords’/>
<meta content=’BLOG AUTHOR NAME HERE’ name=’author’/>

Now just save your template and your are done.

There is a another option in blogger post setting, which you can also use to let Google better understand about your posts. Its ”Search Description”, that you may have seen on your post setting page on the right. You can use this Search Description to tell search engine about your post that, what your post is all about. You can use a small description about your post for example: ”In this post i have described about meta tags and how they should be used in your blog” you also use some special keywords related to your post.

SEE ALSO: Bloggers Need to Be Aware of SEO While Writing Content

Now you know that why and how we should use these meta tags in our blog, and why these tags are really important for blog and websites search ranking. You should understand that how Google serves search results, how it pic keywords from your blog pages, to give better result. These are the main meta tags practices which we can use to tell Google and other search engines about our page contents.

Just share with me if you have any trouble with your meta tags, or you could ask anything you like, just leave it the comments below.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is written and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.



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