Fortnite Patch Update v9.10 Notes Adds Hot Spots, New LTM Rotation, Bug Fixes and More

Fortnite Hot Spots

Epic Games Yesterday dropped the third installment of the Fortnite season 9 patch update version v9.10 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Notably, Epic Games last weel released Fortnite v9.01 update that brought some significant changes to the game including the new Tactical Assault Rifle, Wick’s Bounty LTM that features John Wick, new Ruined Tilted in the creative mode and Mist Pods in the Save the World mode and several bug fixes and improvements to the overall gameplay.

Now, this week’s Fortnite update v9.10 brings new Hot Spots, the new rotation limited time mode to the game’s battle royal mode that includes, Sniper Shootout Duos, Unvaulted Squad and Close Encounter Squad. The Fortnite update v9.10 also brings several bug fixes, performance tweaks and audio improvements to the game. You can check out the full patch notes below.

Battle Royal Mode

What’s New?

Hot Spots
Randomly selected locations on the map that have a high loot rate with an increase of Supply Drops!


Limited Time Mode Rotation:

Sniper Shootout Duos

Sniper Rifles only. Downed players are eliminated instantly. May the best aim win!

Unvaulted Squads

Battle Royale gameplay with a limited set of weapons made up entirely of items that are vaulted in the standard modes.

Close Encounters Squads

Close quarters combat with Shotguns & Jetpacks!

Weapons + Items

  • Shadow Bombs
    • Reduced availability from floor loot from .835% to .677%
    • Reduced availability from chests from 4.65% to 3.98%
    • Reduced drop count from 3 to 2.
      • Shadow Bombs have seen a lot of late-game use, and we wanted to encourage risk vs. reward when picking the item up. By leaving maximum stack size the same & reducing availability, the item’s potential remains the same but swapping a spot for it early on is riskier.
  • Unvaulted Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle
    • Available in Vending Machines, Chests, and Floor Loot
    • Available in Uncommon and Rare variants
      • Since the Thermal Rifle and Scoped Revolver have both recently been vaulted, this week we wanted to bring back an oldie but goodie to round out the medium/long-range item line-up.
  • Combat Shotgun
    • Reduced the availability from floor loot from 2.015% to 1.409%
    • Reduced the availability from chest loot from 2.183% to 1.846%
      • When compared to other items of similar rarity, the Combat Shotgun was dropping a bit too frequently. This change will put it closer in line with other items.

Bug Fixes

  • Dropping part of a consumable item stack no longer interrupts using the consumable.
  • Shadow Bombs correctly leave the players inventory when no charges are left.
  • Shadow Bombs are consumed properly when quickly picking up a replacement item during activation.
  • Combat Shotgun now applies appropriate environmental damage falloff.
  • Ability to move is no longer lost if Rift-to-go was used with Balloons.
  • The Bush now correctly attaches to players in specific animations, such as skydiving.
  • Resolved inconsistent behavior while using Flint-Knock pistol during crouch.
  • Air vent audio is now correctly removed upon on destruction.
  • Boogie Bombs now properly prevent affected players from skydiving.
  • Camera issues when exiting a Mounted Turret have been resolved.
  • Remote Explosives will now open and close with doors they are stuck to.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a regression in level streaming performance introduced in v9.0. This should significantly improve loading times for buildings, and reduce instances of players landing on low-LOD meshes.
  • Reduced hitches shortly after landing, especially on lower-end hardware (e.g Switch)


  • Improved enemy jump sounds.
  • Reduced the time that it takes the enemy in-air audio loop to kick on, for better awareness of an enemy dropping in on you from above.
  • Boosted the volume of nearby footsteps and landing sounds of enemies not in line of sight.
  • Tighter spatialization of close-range pickaxe sounds from other players.
  • Added clearer sound when an enemy confirms an edit on a building piece within ~2 tiles of your position.
  • Removed glider audio tell for players traveling through a Slipstream.
  • Your emote music is now prioritized over other players emotes in the front-end.
  • Emote music is now full stereo when in the front-end.
  • Added a new Headshot + Shield Break sound, for when the two events occur at the same time.
  • Lowered the minimum velocity required to trigger a landing sound

Bug Fixes

  • Walking up on the edge of a building piece plays correct material specific footstep audio.
  • Enemy pickaxe sound now plays correctly from impact point and not from player using the pickaxe.
  • The Boom Bow’s fire sound has been fixed to not cut off when switching weapons immediately after shooting.
  • Firing weapons no longer lowers building sounds.

Creative Mode

What’s New?

Fortnite x Jordan

Fortnite x Jordan

Show off your moves in the New York City inspired, Downtown Drop LTM by Jordan featuring Creative artists NotNellaf & Tollmolia. Launch off massive jumps, grind down city streets and collect coins to win!

Score big when you cop the Hang Time Bundle. Get the Grind Outfit, Clutch Outfit, and a challenge pack unique to the set.

For more information on the Fortnite x Jordan collaboration, check out our official blog.

Haunted Hills Theme

Create your own eerie islands using the new Haunted Hills theme! Includes several prefab and gallery sets for all your creepy creations.


  • Creative islands are now displayed in the minimap as well as the fullscreen map.

Bug Fixes

  • Players are now able to change the island slot in their personal rift even after visiting an island with a high memory cost.


  • New “Fastest Time to Win” setting
    • Each round a winning time sets the new time limit for the following round.
    • After all rounds the winner is the team with the lowest time to win a round.
  • Added Time limit options of 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12 minutes.

Bug Fixes

  • Wrong team can no longer be declared the winner of a round.
  • Players will now correctly spawn to spawn pads or checkpoints rather than in the air.
  • Lobby music will no longer play on a continuous loop after winning a game.
  • Players no longer need to press the same button twice in order to perform certain actions with a controller.
  • Weapons will now be granted by the Team Settings & Inventory Device even after Team Rotation.
  • Floor traps are now deleted along with their supporting floor even when a ramp is built over it.
  • The pickaxe no longer swings involuntarily when swapping to the Phone while swinging.
  • Jitter no longer appears on multiple assets on featured islands.
  • Creatures are able to move through  archways from the Jungle Temple set.
  • The island owner is no longer automatically declared the winner of a game as long as they have more health than the opponents.
  • The winner of a game is now determined by Scoreboard Stat 1 rather than the total highest score.

Creative Tools + Phone

Bug Fixes

  • The Phone will now target Barrier Devices for deletion.
  • Old school and quick builder controls now function correctly with the Phone.
  • The axis is no longer missing when rotating an object with the Phone.
  • Players can select the Phone now when using a custom control scheme on Switch.
  • Players can no longer destroy Holoscreens without permission while on another player’s island.

Prefabs & Galleries

  • Added 6 New Prefabs
    • Haunted Hills Haunted Tomb
    • Haunted Hills Grim Ruins
    • Haunted Hills Abandoned Dwelling
    • Haunted Hills Hillshade House
    • Pirate Fort
    • Tomato Temple
  • Added 5 New Galleries
    • Haunted Hills Gallery
    • Haunted Hills Prop Gallery
    • Haunted Hills Nature Gallery
    • Tomato Temple Prop Gallery
    • Catacombs Floor Gallery, which features catacomb floors mixed with dirt and mud.
  • Added pieces to the Indestructible Gallery
    • More indestructible wall variants
    • Indestructible Ground Tiles
    • Indestructible Volcanic Rocks
    • Indestructible Hover Platform
    • Indestructible Neo Tilted Basketball Hoop

Bug Fixes

  • The Basketball Hoop, from the Neo Tilted Prop Gallery, was replaced with a destructible version and the non-destructible version was added to the Indestructible Gallery.
  • The Ruined Shops prefab name was changed to No Sweat Insurance Building.
  • Grass no longer clips through the Rubble Piles from the Scorched Gallery.
  • The following pieces no longer disappear when trying to copy/paste: Lucky Landing Roof Corner, Arctic Base Hangar Roof, and Hangar Roof Trim.
  • Added player collision to the Mansion Rug, giving it the same properties as other props.
  • Increased the preview volume size for the Neo Tilted Prop Gallery.
  • Corner Diner Counter in the No Sweat Insurance building (formerly known as Ruined Shops) can be copied and pasted now.
  • The Factory Walls Gallery and the Parkour Gallery blue preview volumes fit within their respective gallery sizes now.
  • Objects from the Military Lights Gallery no longer display a black bar when viewed from behind on mobile.
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.



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