Infinity Nikki: What is Blastpollen and How to Get It


Unlock your potential in Infinity Nikki by mastering the art of collecting Blastpollen! A vital crafting material introduced during the Fireworks Season 1.2, Blastpollen is essential for completing key quests and unlocking unique rewards like brand-new outfits. In this guide, we break down everything you need to know about what is Blastpollen in Infinity Nikki and where to find it, and the best strategies for collecting it.

What is Blastpollen in Infinity Nikki?

Step One

Blastpollen is a rare crafting material used in Fireworks Training: Step One, a quest that is part of the Fireworks Season event. This vibrant resource can only be found on Firework Isles, growing in special plants called Blastblooms. You’ll need at least three portions to complete the quest, but you may want more for crafting future items.


Where to Find Blastpollen (Blastpollen Location)

Sparkheart Island

Blastpollen can only be collected on Firework Isles, specifically near the Sizzle & Spark Center Warp Spire on Sparkheart Island, located in the southern region of the Firework Isles.

Steps to Find Blastpollen:

  1. Travel to the Sizzle & Spark Center Warp Spire: Use the in-game map to locate the Warp Spire for easy access to Sparkheart Island.
  2. Search for Blastblooms: Look for blue and purple flowers glowing faintly at night. Interact with these plants to harvest Blastpollen.
  3. Collect Three Portions: Gather enough Blastpollen to complete the quest before returning to the quest giver.

Tips and Tricks for Collecting Blastpollen


Time of Day

  • Blastpollen only spawns at night. Make sure you explore between 22:00 and 03:00 in-game time. Use the Run, Pear Pal app to advance time if necessary.

Weather Conditions

  • Blastblooms only yield Blastpollen under clear skies. If it’s raining, wait for the weather to improve before heading out.

Finding Additional Locations

  • After collecting your first Blastpollen, open the in-game map.
    • Go to Collections in the bottom-left corner.
    • Select the Plants tab and track Blastpollen.
    • The map will highlight all nearby Blastpollen locations.

Rewards for Collecting Blastpollen

Completing the Fireworks Training: Step One quest unlocks the Fiery Glow outfit, a dazzling attire with the unique ability to launch fireworks.

Materials Required for Fiery Glow:

  • 2x Blastpollen
  • 2x Hare Powder
  • 300x Threads of Purity
  • 5x Daisies

Enhance Your Fireworks Experience

Blastpollen is your gateway to making the most of Infinity Nikki’s Fireworks Season. Whether you’re looking to craft outfits or complete quests, mastering its collection will give you a significant advantage.

Read more Infinity Nikki Guides here.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.



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